FontWeight enumeration

FontWeight enumeration

Specifies the different weights of fonts for SVG text elements.

The FontWeight type exposes the following members:


NORMALRepresents the normal font weight, which is the default weight.
BOLDRepresents a bold font weight, typically used for emphasis.
BOLDERRepresents a font weight that is bolder than the parent element’s weight.
LIGHTERRepresents a font weight that is lighter than the parent element’s weight.
W100Represents the font weight of 100, the thinnest available.
W200Represents the font weight of 200.
W300Represents the font weight of 300.
W400Represents the font weight of 400, equivalent to ’normal'.
W500Represents the font weight of 500.
W600Represents the font weight of 600.
W700Represents the font weight of 700, equivalent to ‘bold’.
W800Represents the font weight of 800.
W900Represents the font weight of 900, the boldest available.

See Also