PointerEvents enumeration

PointerEvents enumeration

Specifies how pointer events are handled by graphical elements in SVG.

The PointerEvents type exposes the following members:


BOUNDING_BOXPointer events are targeted at the bounding box of the element.
VISIBLE_PAINTEDPointer events are targeted only at the visible (painted) parts of the element.
VISIBLE_FILLPointer events are targeted only at the visible (filled) parts of the element.
VISIBLE_STROKEPointer events are targeted only at the visible (stroked) parts of the element.
VISIBLEPointer events are targeted at all visible parts of the element.
PAINTEDPointer events are targeted at all painted parts of the element, including fill and stroke.
FILLPointer events are targeted only at the filled parts of the element.
STROKEPointer events are targeted only at the stroked parts of the element.
ALLPointer events are targeted at all parts of the element, regardless of visibility.
NONEThe element does not become the target of pointer events.

See Also