SVGFESpotLightElementBuilder class

SVGFESpotLightElementBuilder class

Builder class for creating SVG ‘feSpotLight’ elements, which define a light source that emits light in a specific direction, like a spotlight.

The SVGFESpotLightElementBuilder type exposes the following members:


initConstructs a new instance of SVGFESpotLightElementBuilder


xSets the ‘x’ attribute of the feSpotLight element, representing the x-coordinate of the light source.
ySets the ‘y’ attribute, representing the y-coordinate of the light source.
zSets the ‘z’ attribute, representing the z-coordinate of the light source.
points_at_xSets the ‘pointsAtX’ attribute, indicating the x-coordinate towards which the light is pointing.
points_at_ySets the ‘pointsAtY’ attribute, indicating the y-coordinate towards which the light is pointing.
points_at_zSets the ‘pointsAtZ’ attribute, indicating the z-coordinate towards which the light is pointing.
specular_exponentSets the ‘specularExponent’ attribute, controlling the focus of the specular highlight.
limiting_cone_angleSets the ’limitingConeAngle’ attribute, defining the limiting cone of the spotlight.
build_elementBuilds and returns an SVGElement instance based on the current configuration of the builder.
attributeSets or updates an attribute on an SVG element.

See Also