SVGSVGElementBuilder class

SVGSVGElementBuilder class

Builder class for creating an SVGSVGElement, the root element of an SVG document.

The SVGSVGElementBuilder type exposes the following members:


initConstructs a new instance of SVGSVGElementBuilder


versionSets the ‘version’ attribute of the SVG element.
This attribute specifies the SVG specification version that the document conforms to.
base_profileSets the ‘baseProfile’ attribute of the SVG element.
This attribute indicates which subset of the full SVG specification applies to the document.
content_script_typeSets the ‘contentScriptType’ attribute of the SVG element.
This attribute specifies the default scripting language for the contents of the SVG document.
content_style_typeSets the ‘contentStyleType’ attribute of the SVG element.
This attribute specifies the default styling language for the contents of the SVG document.
zoom_and_panSets the ‘zoomAndPan’ attribute of the SVG element.
This attribute controls whether the SVG content can be zoomed and panned.
with_xlinkAdds the XLink namespace declaration to the SVG element.
This is necessary for using XLink attributes such as ‘xlink:href’.
build_elementBuilds and returns an SVGElement instance based on the current configuration of the builder.
attributeSets or updates an attribute on an SVG element.

See Also