SVGTextPathElementBuilder class

SVGTextPathElementBuilder class

Builder class for creating SVG ’textPath’ elements, which are used to align text to a path.

The SVGTextPathElementBuilder type exposes the following members:


initConstructs a new instance of SVGTextPathElementBuilder


text_lengthSets the ’textLength’ attribute, specifying the length of the text.
length_adjustSets the ’lengthAdjust’ attribute, specifying how text length adjustments are made.
hrefSets the ‘href’ attribute, specifying a reference to a path element.
start_offsetSets the ‘startOffset’ attribute, specifying the starting position of the text on the path.
methodSets the ‘method’ attribute, specifying the text layout method along the path.
spacingSets the ‘spacing’ attribute, specifying the spacing strategy for text along the path.
sideSets the ‘side’ attribute, specifying which side of the path the text is placed on.
build_elementBuilds and returns an SVGElement instance based on the current configuration of the builder.
attributeSets or updates an attribute on an SVG element.

See Also