IDocumentTraversal class

IDocumentTraversal class

DocumentTraversal contains methods that create iterators and tree-walkers to traverse a node and its children in document order (depth first, pre-order traversal, which is equivalent to the order in which the start tags occur in the text representation of the document). In DOMs which support the Traversal feature, DocumentTraversal will be implemented by the same objects that implement the Document interface.

See also the Document object Model (DOM) Level 2 Traversal and Range Specification. @since DOM Level 2

The IDocumentTraversal type exposes the following members:


create_node_iteratorCreate a new NodeIterator over the subtree rooted at the
specified node.
create_node_iteratorCreate a new NodeIterator over the subtree rooted at the
specified node.
create_node_iteratorCreate a new NodeIterator over the subtree rooted at the
specified node.
create_tree_walkerCreate a new TreeWalker over the subtree rooted at the
specified node.
create_tree_walkerCreate a new TreeWalker over the subtree rooted at the
specified node.
create_tree_walkerCreate a new TreeWalker over the subtree rooted at the
specified node.

See Also