IDrawingFactory class

IDrawingFactory class

Represents a factory for creating drawing-related objects.

The IDrawingFactory type exposes the following members:


create_texture_brushCreates a texture brush with the specified parameters.
create_texture_brushCreates a texture brush with the specified parameters for an elliptical shape.
create_matrixCreates a new matrix with the same contents as the specified matrix.
create_matrixCreates a new matrix with the specified elements.
create_matrixCreates a new identity matrix.
create_solid_brushCreates a solid brush with the specified color.
create_linear_gradient_brushCreates a linear gradient brush with the specified parameters.
create_bitmap_from_image_byte_arrayCreates a bitmap from the specified image byte array.
create_bitmap_from_pixel_byte_arrayCreates a bitmap from the specified pixel byte array with the specified width and height.
create_bitmap_from_image_streamCreates a bitmap from the specified image stream.
create_bitmapCreates a bitmap with the specified width and height.
create_codecCreates a codec for the specified image.

See Also