IMatrix class

IMatrix class

Represents a matrix used for transformations.

The IMatrix type exposes the following members:


is_identityGets a value indicating whether this matrix is the identity matrix.
m11Gets or sets the value in the first row and first column of the matrix.
m12Gets or sets the value in the first row and second column of the matrix.
m21Gets or sets the value in the second row and first column of the matrix.
m22Gets or sets the value in the second row and second column of the matrix.
m31Gets or sets the value in the third row and first column of the matrix.
m32Gets or sets the value in the third row and second column of the matrix.
is_invertibleGets a value indicating whether this matrix is invertible.


scaleScales the matrix by the specified scale factors in the specified order.
scaleScales the matrix by the specified scale factors uniformly.
translateTranslates the matrix by the specified offset values in the specified order.
translateTranslates the matrix by the specified offset values.
multiplyMultiplies this matrix by another matrix in the specified order.
multiplyMultiplies this matrix by another matrix.
rotateRotates the matrix by the specified angle in the specified order.
rotateRotates the matrix by the specified angle.
rotate_atRotates the matrix by the specified angle around the specified point in the specified order.
rotate_atRotates the matrix by the specified angle around the specified point.
invertInverts this matrix.
get_elementsGets the elements of the matrix as an array.
transform_pointTransforms the specified point using this matrix.
transform_pointsTransforms an array of points using this matrix.
transform_rectangleTransforms the specified rectangle using this matrix.
skewApplies a skew transformation to the matrix.
resetResets the matrix to the identity matrix.
cloneCreates a copy of this matrix.
to_nativeConverts the matrix to a native representation.

See Also