ResourceHandlingOptions class

ResourceHandlingOptions class

Represents resource handling options.

The ResourceHandlingOptions type exposes the following members:


java_scriptGets or sets enum which represents the way scripts are handled. Currently ResourceHandling.SAVE, ResourceHandling.IGNORE, ResourceHandling.DISCARD and ResourceHandling.EMBED values are supported. Default value is ResourceHandling.SAVE.
defaultGets or sets enum which represents default way of resources handling. Currently ResourceHandling.SAVE, ResourceHandling.IGNORE and ResourceHandling.EMBED values are supported. Default value is ResourceHandling.SAVE.
resource_url_restrictionGets or sets restriction applied to URLs of handled resources such as css, js, images etc. Default value is UrlRestriction.SAME_HOST.
page_url_restrictionGets or sets restriction applied to URLs of handled pages. Default value is UrlRestriction.ROOT_AND_SUB_FOLDERS.
max_handling_depthGets or sets maximum depth of pages which will be handled. Depth of 1 means that only pages directly referenced from the saved document will be handled. Setting this property to -1 will lead to handling of all pages. Default value is 0.

See Also