]Inheritance: java.lang.Object
All Implemented Interfaces: com.aspose.tex.IInputWorkingDirectory, com.aspose.tex.IFileCollector
public class InputFileSystemDirectory implements IInputWorkingDirectory, IFileCollector
Implements the regular file system’s method for getting a file stream to read from.
Constructor | Description |
InputFileSystemDirectory(String basePath) | Creates new instance. |
Method | Description |
getFile(String fileName, boolean searchSubdirectories) | Returns the stream to read from. |
getFileNamesByExtension(String extension) | Returns the array of file names by an extension. |
getFileNamesByExtension(String extension, String path) | Returns the array of file names by an extension. |
close() | Disposes the instance. |
InputFileSystemDirectory(String basePath)
public InputFileSystemDirectory(String basePath)
Creates new instance.
Parameter | Type | Description |
basePath | java.lang.String | The base path of the directory. |
getFile(String fileName, boolean searchSubdirectories)
public TeXInputStream getFile(String fileName, boolean searchSubdirectories)
Returns the stream to read from.
Parameter | Type | Description |
fileName | java.lang.String | The file name. |
searchSubdirectories | boolean | Indicates whether to look for a file in subdirectories. |
Returns: TeXInputStream - The named stream.
getFileNamesByExtension(String extension)
public String[] getFileNamesByExtension(String extension)
Returns the array of file names by an extension.
Parameter | Type | Description |
extension | java.lang.String | The file extension. |
Returns: java.lang.String[] - The array of file names.
getFileNamesByExtension(String extension, String path)
public String[] getFileNamesByExtension(String extension, String path)
Returns the array of file names by an extension.
Parameter | Type | Description |
extension | java.lang.String | The file extension. |
path | java.lang.String | The path inside the directory. |
Returns: java.lang.String[] - The array of file names.
public void close()
Disposes the instance.