RevisionColor enumeration

RevisionColor enumeration

Allows to specify color of document revisions.


BLACKRepresents 000000 color.
BLUERepresents 2e97d3 color.
BRIGHT_GREENRepresents 84a35b color.
CLASSIC_BLUERepresents 0000ff color.
CLASSIC_REDRepresents ff0000 color.
DARK_BLUERepresents 376e96 color.
DARK_REDRepresents 881824 color.
DARK_YELLOWRepresents e09a2b color.
GRAY25Represents a0a3a9 color.
GRAY50Represents 50565e color.
GREENRepresents 2c6234 color.
PINKRepresents ce338f color.
REDRepresents b5082e color.
TEALRepresents 1b9cab color.
TURQUOISERepresents 3eafc2 color.
VIOLETRepresents 633277 color.
WHITERepresents ffffff color.
YELLOWRepresents fad272 color.
NO_HIGHLIGHTNo color is used to highlight revision changes.
BY_AUTHORRevisions of each author receive their own color for highlighting from a predfined set of hi-contrast colors.


Shows how to alter the appearance of revisions in a rendered output document.

doc = aw.Document()
builder = aw.DocumentBuilder(doc)
# Insert a revision, then change the color of all revisions to green.
builder.writeln('This is not a revision.')
doc.start_track_revisions('John Doe',
builder.writeln('This is a revision.')
builder.writeln('This is not a revision.')
# Remove the bar that appears to the left of every revised line.
doc.layout_options.revision_options.inserted_text_color = aw.layout.RevisionColor.BRIGHT_GREEN
doc.layout_options.revision_options.show_revision_bars = False + 'Document.layout_options_revisions.pdf')

See Also