
Inheritance: java.lang.Object

public abstract class XarEntry

Represents single entry within xar archive.


getCreationTime()Gets the creation time of the file or directory.
getFullPath()Gets the full path of the entry within the archive.
getLastAccessTime()Gets the last access time of the file or directory.
getLastWriteTime()Gets the modification time of the file or directory.
getName()Gets the name of the entry within the archive.
getParent()Gets the parent directory the entry belongs to.
isDirectory()Gets a value indicating whether the entry represents a directory.
toString()Returns string representation of the instance of the XarEntry class.


public final Date getCreationTime()

Gets the creation time of the file or directory.

Returns: java.util.Date - the creation time of the file or directory


public final String getFullPath()

Gets the full path of the entry within the archive.

Returns: java.lang.String - the full path of the entry within the archive


public final Date getLastAccessTime()

Gets the last access time of the file or directory.

Returns: java.util.Date - the last access time of the file or directory


public final Date getLastWriteTime()

Gets the modification time of the file or directory.

Returns: java.util.Date - the modification time of the file or directory


public final String getName()

Gets the name of the entry within the archive.

Returns: java.lang.String - the name of the entry within the archive


public final XarDirectoryEntry getParent()

Gets the parent directory the entry belongs to.

Returns: XarDirectoryEntry - the parent directory the entry belongs to


public final boolean isDirectory()

Gets a value indicating whether the entry represents a directory.

Returns: boolean - a value indicating whether the entry represents a directory


public String toString()

Returns string representation of the instance of the XarEntry class.

Returns: java.lang.String - string representation of this object