AssetInfo class

AssetInfo class

Information of asset. Asset information can be attached to a Scene. Child Scene can have its own AssetInfo to override parent’s definition.

Inheritance: AssetInfoA3DObject

The AssetInfo type exposes the following members:


__init__(self)Initializes a new instance of the AssetInfo class.
__init__(self, name)Initializes a new instance of the AssetInfo class.


nameGets or sets the name.
propertiesGets the collection of all properties.
creation_timeGets or Sets the creation time of this asset
modification_timeGets or Sets the modification time of this asset
ambientGets or Sets the default ambient color of this asset
urlGets or Sets the URL of this asset.
application_vendorGets or sets the application vendor’s name
copyrightGets or sets the document’s copyright
application_nameGets or sets the application that created this asset
application_versionGets or sets the version of the application that created this asset.
titleGets or sets the title of this asset
subjectGets or sets the subject of this asset
authorGets or sets the author of this asset
keywordsGets or sets the keywords of this asset
revisionGets or sets the revision number of this asset, usually used in version control system.
commentGets or sets the comment of this asset.
unit_nameGets or sets the unit of length used in this asset.
e.g. cm/m/km/inch/feet
unit_scale_factorGets or sets the scale factor to real-world meter.
coordinate_systemGets or sets the coordinate system used in this asset.
up_vectorGets or sets the up-vector used in this asset.
front_vectorGets or sets the front-vector used in this asset.
axis_systemGets or sets the coordinate system/up vector/front vector of the asset info.


remove_property(self, property)Removes a dynamic property.
remove_property(self, property)Remove the specified property identified by name
get_property(self, property)Get the value of specified property
set_property(self, property, value)Sets the value of specified property
find_property(self, property_name)Finds the property.
It can be a dynamic property (Created by CreateDynamicProperty/SetProperty)
or native property(Identified by its name)


The following code shows how to read asset info from a fbx file:

from aspose.threed import Scene

scene = Scene.from_file("test.fbx")
print(f"The file is created at {scene.asset_info.creation_time} by {scene.asset_info.application_name} {scene.asset_info.application_version} ")

See Also