render method

render(self, camera, file_name)

Render the scene into external file from given camera’s perspective. The default output size is 1024x768 and output format is png

def render(self, camera, file_name):
cameraaspose.threed.entities.CameraFrom which camera’s perspective to render the scene
file_namestrThe file name of output file

render(self, camera, bitmap)

Render the scene into bitmap from given camera’s perspective.

def render(self, camera, bitmap):
cameraaspose.threed.entities.CameraFrom which camera’s perspective to render the scene
bitmapaspose.threed.render.TextureDataTarget of the rendered result

render(self, camera, bitmap, options)

Render the scene into bitmap from given camera’s perspective.

def render(self, camera, bitmap, options):
cameraaspose.threed.entities.CameraFrom which camera’s perspective to render the scene
bitmapaspose.threed.render.TextureDataTarget of the rendered result
optionsImageRenderOptionsThe option to customize some internal settings.

render(self, camera, file_name, size, format)

Render the scene into external file from given camera’s perspective.

def render(self, camera, file_name, size, format):
cameraaspose.threed.entities.CameraFrom which camera’s perspective to render the scene
file_namestrThe file name of output file
sizeaspose.threed.utilities.Vector2The size of final rendered image
formatstrThe image format of the output file

render(self, camera, file_name, size, format, options)

Render the scene into external file from given camera’s perspective.

def render(self, camera, file_name, size, format, options):
cameraaspose.threed.entities.CameraFrom which camera’s perspective to render the scene
file_namestrThe file name of output file
sizeaspose.threed.utilities.Vector2The size of final rendered image
formatstrThe image format of the output file
optionsImageRenderOptionsThe option to customize some internal settings.

See Also