Class BarCodeGeneratorControl

BarCodeGeneratorControl class

BarCode Windows Control, goto your toolbox panel and add Aspose.BarCode.dll, and you will see BarcodeGeneratorControl appears. Just drag it and drop to your Windows form. see see

public sealed class BarCodeGeneratorControl : Control, IBarCodeGeneratorControl


BarCodeGeneratorControl()The default constructor.


AutoSizeMode { get; set; }Gets or sets the mode by which the barcode automatically resizes. Default value is AutoSizeMode.None.
BackgroundColor { get; set; }Background color of the barcode image.
BarCodeHeight { get; }BarCode image height when AutoSizeMode property is set to AutoSizeMode.Nearest or AutoSizeMode.Interpolation.
BarcodePaddings { get; }Gets or sets Barcode paddings parameters Padding.
BarcodeType { get; set; }BarCode’s encode type (symbology). Use EncodeTypes to get current symbology.
BarCodeWidth { get; }BarCode image width when AutoSizeMode property is set to AutoSizeMode.Nearest or AutoSizeMode.Interpolation.
BarColor { get; set; }Bars color.
BarHeight { get; }Height of 1D barcodes’ bars. Ignored if AutoSizeMode property is set to AutoSizeMode.Nearest or AutoSizeMode.Interpolation.
Border { get; }Gets or sets Border parameters BorderParameters.
CaptionAbove { get; }Caption Above the BarCode image. See CaptionUI.
CaptionBelow { get; }Caption Below the BarCode image. See CaptionUI.
ChecksumAlwaysShow { get; set; }Always display checksum digit in the human readable text for Code128 and GS1Code128 barcodes.
CodeText { get; set; }Data to be encoded, different types of BarCode may have different CodeText length restrictions.
CodeTextParameters { get; }Gets or sets CodeText parameters CodetextParametersUI.
EnableEscape { get; set; }Indicates whether explains the character “" as an escape character in CodeText property. Used for Pdf417, DataMatrix, Code128 only If the EnableEscape is true, “" will be explained as a special escape character. Otherwise, “" acts as normal characters. Aspose.BarCode supports inputing decimal ascii code and mnemonic for ASCII control-code characters. For example, \013 and \CR stands for CR.
EncodeType { get; set; }BarCode’s encode type (symbology). Use EncodeTypes to get current symbology.
FilledBars { get; set; }Gets or sets a value indicating whether bars filled. Only for 1D barcodes.
IsChecksumEnabled { get; set; }Enable checksum during generation 1D barcodes.
Resolution { get; set; }Gets or sets the resolution of the BarCode image. One value for both dimensions. Default value: 96 dpi.
RotationAngle { get; set; }BarCode image rotation angle, measured in degree, e.g. RotationAngle = 0 or RotationAngle = 360 means no rotation. If RotationAngle NOT equal to 90, 180, 270 or 0, it may increase the difficulty for the scanner to read the image.
Specific { get; }Specific parameters
ThrowExceptionWhenCodeTextIncorrect { get; set; }Only for 1D barcodes. If codetext is incorrect and value set to true - exception will be thrown. Otherwise codetext will be corrected to match barcode’s specification. Exception always will be thrown for: Databar symbology if codetext is incorrect. Exception always will not be thrown for: AustraliaPost, SingapurePost, Code39Extended, Code93Extended, Code16K, Code128 symbology if codetext is incorrect.
UseAntiAlias { get; set; }Gets or sets a value indicating whether is used anti-aliasing mode to render image.
WideNarrowRatio { get; set; }Wide bars to Narrow bars ratio. Default value: 3, that is, wide bars are 3 times as wide as narrow bars. Used for ITF, PZN, PharmaCode, Standard2of5, Interleaved2of5, Matrix2of5, ItalianPost25, IATA2of5, VIN, DeutschePost, OPC, Code32, DataLogic2of5, PatchCode, Code39, Code39FullASCII
XDimension { get; }X-dimension is the smallest width of the unit of BarCode bars or spaces. Increase this will increase the whole barcode image width. Ignored if AutoSizeMode property is set to AutoSizeMode.Nearest or AutoSizeMode.Interpolation.

See Also