Color class

Color class

The color of the pixel.

The Color type exposes the following members:


initConstructs a new instance of Color


emptyGets an empty Color.
transparentGets a system-defined color.
alice_blueGets a system-defined color.
antique_whiteGets a system-defined color.
aquaGets a system-defined color.
aquamarineGets a system-defined color.
azureGets a system-defined color.
beigeGets a system-defined color.
bisqueGets a system-defined color.
blackGets a system-defined color.
blanched_almondGets a system-defined color.
blueGets a system-defined color.
blue_violetGets a system-defined color.
brownGets a system-defined color.
burly_woodGets a system-defined color.
cadet_blueGets a system-defined color.
chartreuseGets a system-defined color.
chocolateGets a system-defined color.
coralGets a system-defined color.
cornflower_blueGets a system-defined color.
cornsilkGets a system-defined color.
crimsonGets a system-defined color.
cyanGets a system-defined color.
dark_blueGets a system-defined color.
dark_cyanGets a system-defined color.
dark_goldenrodGets a system-defined color.
dark_grayGets a system-defined color.
dark_greenGets a system-defined color.
dark_khakiGets a system-defined color.
dark_magentaGets a system-defined color.
dark_olive_greenGets a system-defined color.
dark_orangeGets a system-defined color.
dark_orchidGets a system-defined color.
dark_redGets a system-defined color.
dark_salmonGets a system-defined color.
dark_sea_greenGets a system-defined color.
dark_slate_blueGets a system-defined color.
dark_slate_grayGets a system-defined color.
dark_turquoiseGets a system-defined color.
dark_violetGets a system-defined color.
deep_pinkGets a system-defined color.
deep_sky_blueGets a system-defined color.
dim_grayGets a system-defined color.
dodger_blueGets a system-defined color.
firebrickGets a system-defined color.
floral_whiteGets a system-defined color.
forest_greenGets a system-defined color.
fuchsiaGets a system-defined color.
gainsboroGets a system-defined color.
ghost_whiteGets a system-defined color.
goldGets a system-defined color.
goldenrodGets a system-defined color.
grayGets a system-defined color.
greenGets a system-defined color.
green_yellowGets a system-defined color.
honeydewGets a system-defined color.
hot_pinkGets a system-defined color.
indian_redGets a system-defined color.
indigoGets a system-defined color.
ivoryGets a system-defined color.
khakiGets a system-defined color.
lavenderGets a system-defined color.
lavender_blushGets a system-defined color.
lawn_greenGets a system-defined color.
lemon_chiffonGets a system-defined color.
light_blueGets a system-defined color.
light_coralGets a system-defined color.
light_cyanGets a system-defined color.
light_goldenrod_yellowGets a system-defined color.
light_greenGets a system-defined color.
light_grayGets a system-defined color.
light_pinkGets a system-defined color.
light_salmonGets a system-defined color.
light_sea_greenGets a system-defined color.
light_sky_blueGets a system-defined color.
light_slate_grayGets a system-defined color.
light_steel_blueGets a system-defined color.
light_yellowGets a system-defined color.
limeGets a system-defined color.
lime_greenGets a system-defined color.
linenGets a system-defined color.
magentaGets a system-defined color.
maroonGets a system-defined color.
medium_aquamarineGets a system-defined color.
medium_blueGets a system-defined color.
medium_orchidGets a system-defined color.
medium_purpleGets a system-defined color.
medium_sea_greenGets a system-defined color.
medium_slate_blueGets a system-defined color.
medium_spring_greenGets a system-defined color.
medium_turquoiseGets a system-defined color.
medium_violet_redGets a system-defined color.
midnight_blueGets a system-defined color.
mint_creamGets a system-defined color.
misty_roseGets a system-defined color.
moccasinGets a system-defined color.
navajo_whiteGets a system-defined color.
navyGets a system-defined color.
old_laceGets a system-defined color.
oliveGets a system-defined color.
olive_drabGets a system-defined color.
orangeGets a system-defined color.
orange_redGets a system-defined color.
orchidGets a system-defined color.
pale_goldenrodGets a system-defined color.
pale_greenGets a system-defined color.
pale_turquoiseGets a system-defined color.
pale_violet_redGets a system-defined color.
papaya_whipGets a system-defined color.
peach_puffGets a system-defined color.
peruGets a system-defined color.
pinkGets a system-defined color.
plumGets a system-defined color.
powder_blueGets a system-defined color.
purpleGets a system-defined color.
redGets a system-defined color.
rosy_brownGets a system-defined color.
royal_blueGets a system-defined color.
saddle_brownGets a system-defined color.
salmonGets a system-defined color.
sandy_brownGets a system-defined color.
sea_greenGets a system-defined color.
sea_shellGets a system-defined color.
siennaGets a system-defined color.
silverGets a system-defined color.
sky_blueGets a system-defined color.
slate_blueGets a system-defined color.
slate_grayGets a system-defined color.
snowGets a system-defined color.
spring_greenGets a system-defined color.
steel_blueGets a system-defined color.
tanGets a system-defined color.
tealGets a system-defined color.
thistleGets a system-defined color.
tomatoGets a system-defined color.
turquoiseGets a system-defined color.
violetGets a system-defined color.
wheatGets a system-defined color.
whiteGets a system-defined color.
white_smokeGets a system-defined color.
yellowGets a system-defined color.
yellow_greenGets a system-defined color.
rGets the red component value of this Color structure.
gGets the green component value of this Color structure.
bGets the blue component value of this Color structure.
aGets the alpha component value of this Color structure.
is_known_colorGets a value indicating whether this Color structure is a predefined color. Predefined colors are represented by the elements of the KnownColor enumeration.
is_emptyGets a value indicating whether this Color structure is uninitialized.
is_named_colorGets a value indicating whether this Color structure is a named color or a member of the KnownColor enumeration.
nameGets the name of this Color.


from_argbCreates a Color structure from a 32-bit ARGB value.
from_argbCreates a Color structure from the four ARGB component (alpha, red, green, and blue) values. Although this method allows a 32-bit value to be passed for each component, the value of each component is limited to 8 bits.
from_argbCreates a Color structure from the specified Color structure, but with the new specified alpha value. Although this method allows a 32-bit value to be passed for the alpha value, the value is limited to 8 bits.
from_argbCreates a Color structure from the specified 8-bit color values (red, green, and blue). The alpha value is implicitly 255 (fully opaque). Although this method allows a 32-bit value to be passed for each color component, the value of each component is limited to 8 bits.
to_cmykThe conversion from Color to CMYKColor.
This method is deprecated. Please use more effective Aspose.Imaging.CmykColorHelper.ToCmyk.
to_cmykThe conversion from Color to CMYKColor.
This method is deprecated. Please use more effective Aspose.Imaging.CmykColorHelper.ToCmyk.
to_cmyk_iccThe conversion from Color to CMYKColor using icc conversion with default profiles.
This method is deprecated. Please use more effective Aspose.Imaging.CmykColorHelper.ToCmykIcc.
to_cmyk_iccThe conversion from Color to CMYKColor using icc conversion with default profiles.
This method is deprecated. Please use more effective Aspose.Imaging.CmykColorHelper.ToCmykIcc.
to_cmyk_iccThe conversion from Color to CMYKColor using icc conversion.
This method is deprecated. Please use more effective Aspose.Imaging.CmykColorHelper.ToCmykIcc.
to_cmyk_iccThe conversion from Color to CMYKColor using icc conversion with default profiles.
This method is deprecated. Please use more effective Aspose.Imaging.CmykColorHelper.ToCmykIcc.
from_known_colorCreates a Color structure from the specified predefined color.
from_nameCreates a Color structure from the specified name of a predefined color.
get_brightnessGets the hue-saturation-brightness (HSB) brightness value for this Color structure.
get_hueGets the hue-saturation-brightness (HSB) hue value, in degrees, for this Color structure.
get_saturationGets the hue-saturation-brightness (HSB) saturation value for this Color structure.
to_argbGets the 32-bit ARGB value of this Color structure.
to_known_colorGets the KnownColor value of this Color structure.
make_argbMakes the ARGB value.

See Also