PointF class

PointF class

Represents an ordered pair of floating-point x- and y-coordinates that defines a point in a two-dimensional plane.

The PointF type exposes the following members:


initInitializes a new instance of the PointF structure with the specified coordinates.
initConstructs a new instance of PointF


emptyGets a new instance of the PointF structure that has PointF.x and PointF.y values set to zero.
is_emptyGets a value indicating whether this PointF is empty.
xGets or sets the x-coordinate of this PointF.
yGets or sets the y-coordinate of this PointF.


addTranslates a given PointF by the specified Size.
addTranslates a given PointF by a specified SizeF.
subtractTranslates a PointF by the negative of a specified size.
subtractTranslates a PointF by the negative of a specified size.

See Also