SubSupEquationNode class

SubSupEquationNode class

This class specifies an equation that can optionally be superscript or subscript. There are four main forms of this equation, superscript,subscript,superscript and subscript placed to the left of the base, superscript and subscript placed to the right of the base.

Inheritance: SubSupEquationNodeEquationNodeFontSetting

The SubSupEquationNode type exposes the following members:


typeRepresents the type of the node.
start_indexGets the start index of the characters.
lengthGets the length of the characters.
fontReturns the font of this object.
text_optionsReturns the text options.
parent_nodeSpecifies the parent node of the current node
equation_typeGet the equation type of the current node


add_childInsert a node of the specified type at the end of the child node list of the current node.
add_childInserts the specified node at the end of the current node’s list of child nodes.
remove_childRemoves the specified node from the current node’s children.
remove_childRemoves the node at the specified index from the current node’s children.
set_word_art_styleSets the preset WordArt style.
to_la_te_xConvert this equtation to LaTeX expression.
to_math_mlConvert this equtation to MathML expression.
insert_childInserts a node of the specified type at the specified index position in the current node’s child node list.
insert_afterInserts the specified node after the current node.
insert_beforeInserts the specified node before the current node.
get_childReturns the node at the specified index among the children of the current node.
removeRemoves itself from the parent.
remove_all_childrenRemoves all the child nodes of the current node.
create_nodeCreate a node of the specified type.

See Also