LineFormat class

LineFormat class

Represents all setting of the line.

Inheritance: LineFormatFillFormat

The LineFormat type exposes the following members:


typeGets and sets the fill type.
fill_typeGets and sets fill type
transparencyReturns or sets the degree of transparency of the area as a value from 0.0 (opaque) through 1.0 (clear).
set_typeGets the fill format set type.
gradient_fillGets FillFormat.gradient_fill object.
texture_fillGets FillFormat.texture_fill object.
solid_fillGets FillFormat.solid_fill object.
pattern_fillGets FillFormat.pattern_fill object.
gradient_color_typeReturns the gradient color type for the specified fill.
gradient_styleReturns the gradient style for the specified fill.
gradient_color1Returns the gradient color 1 for the specified fill.
gradient_color2Returns the gradient color 2 for the specified fill.
gradient_degreeReturns the gradient degree for the specified fill.
Only applies for Excel 2007.
gradient_variantReturns the gradient variant for the specified fill.
Only applies for Excel 2007.
preset_colorReturns the gradient preset color for the specified fill.
textureRepresents the texture type for the specified fill.
patternRepresents an area’s display pattern.
picture_format_typeGets and sets the picture format type.
scaleGets and sets the picture format scale.
image_dataGets and sets the picture image data.
compound_typeSpecifies the line compound type.
dash_styleSpecifies the line dash type.
cap_typeSpecifies the ending caps.
join_typeSpecifies the line join type.
begin_arrowhead_styleGets and sets the begin arrow type of the line.
begin_arrowhead_widthGets and sets the begin arrow width type of the line.
begin_arrowhead_lengthGets and sets the begin arrow length type of the line.
end_arrowhead_styleGets and sets the end arrow type of the line.
end_arrowhead_widthGets and sets the end arrow width type of the line.
end_arrowhead_lengthGets and sets the end arrow length type of the line.
weightGets or sets the weight of the line in unit of points.


set_two_color_gradient(self, color1, color2, style, variant)Sets the specified fill to a two-color gradient.
Only applies for Excel 2007.
set_two_color_gradient(self, color1, transparency1, color2, transparency2, style, variant)Sets the specified fill to a two-color gradient.
Only applies for Excel 2007.
set_one_color_gradient(self, color, degree, style, variant)Sets the specified fill to a one-color gradient.
Only applies for Excel 2007.
set_preset_color_gradient(self, preset_color, style, variant)Sets the specified fill to a preset-color gradient.
Only applies for Excel 2007.


from aspose.cells import Workbook

# Instantiating a Workbook object
workbook = Workbook()
shapes = workbook.worksheets[0].shapes
shape = shapes.add_rectangle(1, 0, 1, 0, 50, 100)
lineFmt = shape.line

See Also