remove_field method

remove_field(self, field_type, field_name)

Removes a field from specific field area

def remove_field(self, field_type, field_name):
field_typePivotFieldTypeThe fields area type.
field_namestrThe name in the base fields.

remove_field(self, field_type, base_field_index)

Removes a field from specific field area

def remove_field(self, field_type, base_field_index):
field_typePivotFieldTypeThe fields area type.
base_field_indexintThe field index in the base fields.

remove_field(self, field_type, pivot_field)

Remove field from specific field area

def remove_field(self, field_type, pivot_field):
field_typePivotFieldTypethe fields area type.
pivot_fieldPivotFieldthe field in the base fields.

See Also