Class Act

Act class

Defines custom command names that appear on an object’s shortcut menu and specifies the actions that the commands take.

public class Act




Action { get; }Contains the formula to execute when a user clicks the command name defined in the corresponding Menu element.
BeginGroup { get; }Indicates whether a separator is inserted into the menu above this action.
ButtonFace { get; }It identifies the icon that appears next to an item on a shortcut menu.
Checked { get; }Determines whether a check mark is displayed beside the command name on a shape’s shortcut menu.
Del { get; set; }A flag indicating whether the element has been deleted locally. A value of 1 indicates that the element was deleted locally.
Disabled { get; }Disabled element determines whether the command name is displayed on the shortcut menu.
FlyoutChild { get; }Determines whether the action row is a child flyout menu of the last row above it that is not a flyout child.
ID { get; set; }The unique ID of the element within its parent element.
Invisible { get; }Invisible element indicates whether the action is visible on the smart tag or shortcut menu.
IX { get; set; }The zero-based index of the element within its parent element.
Menu { get; }Specifies the name of the command that appears on the shortcut menu for a shape or page.
Name { get; set; }The name of the element.
NameU { get; set; }The universal name of the element.
ReadOnly { get; }Determines whether the action on a smart tag or shortcut menu is read-only.
SortKey { get; }It specifies a number that determines the order of actions that appear on a shortcut or smart tag menu.
TagName { get; }It contains the name of the smart tag that the action is associated with.


Clone()Creates deep copy of this instance.

See Also