Class ExchangeClient

ExchangeClient class

The ExchangeClient class allows applications to manage E-Mail box in Microsoft Exchange Server by using WebDav Exchange Store Protocol.

public sealed class ExchangeClient : ExchangeClientBase


ExchangeClient(string, ICredentials)Initialize a new instance of the class ExchageClient
ExchangeClient(string, string, string)Initialize a new instance of the class ExchageClient
ExchangeClient(string, string, string, string)Initialize a new instance of the class ExchageClient


ClientCertificate { get; set; }Gets or sets the client certificate.
CookieContainer { get; set; }Gets or sets the cookie container.
virtual Credentials { get; set; }Gets or sets the credentials
Encoding { get; set; }Gets or sets the encoding.
KeepAlive { get; set; }Indicates whether to keep alive.
LogFileName { get; set; }Gets or sets log file name
MailboxInfo { get; }Gets the mailbox information.
virtual MailboxUri { get; set; }Gets or sets the mailbox uri
PreAuthenticate { get; set; }Indicates whether to do pre-authentication.
virtual Proxy { get; set; }Gets or sets the proxy.
SendChunked { get; set; }Gets or sets a value indicating whether [send chunked].
virtual Timeout { get; set; }Gets or sets the number of milliseconds to wait before the operation times out. The default value is 100,000 milliseconds (100 seconds).
UseDateInLogFileName { get; set; }Gets or sets value which indicates if date has to be used in log file name.


AppendMessage(string, MailMessage)Uploads the mail message to the specified folder
AppendMessage(string, MailMessage, bool)Uploads the mail message to the specified folder
Backup(ExchangeFolderInfoCollection, Stream, BackupOptions)Backups the content of the specified folders
Backup(ExchangeFolderInfoCollection, string, BackupOptions)Backups the content of the specified folders
CreateContact(Contact)Creates a contact item in the Exchange store.
CreateFolder(string, string)Creates the new folder with the specified name in the specified parent folder.
DeleteContact(Contact)Deletes the contact.
DeleteContact(MapiContact)Deletes the contact.
DeleteContact(string)Deletes the contact.
DeleteFolder(string)Deletes the folder
DeleteMessage(string)Deletes the mail message.
DeleteMessage(string, bool)Deletes the mail message.
Dispose()Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources.
FetchAttachment(string)Fetches the attachment
FetchMapiMessage(string)Fetches the mapi message with specified uri.
FetchMessage(string)Fetches the mail message with specified uri.
FolderExists(string, string)Checks whether the specified folder exists.
FolderExists(string, string, out ExchangeFolderInfo)Checks whether the specified folder exists.
GetContacts(string)Lists contacts located in the specified folder on server
GetFolderInfo(string)Gets the folder information.
GetMailboxes()Lists mailboxes in the global address list.
GetMailboxInfo()Get the information of the mailbox
GetMailboxInfo(string)Gets the mailbox information
GetMailboxSize()Get the size of the maibox
GetMailboxSize(string)Get the size of the maibox
GetVersionInfo()Returns exchange server version info
ListContacts(string)Lists contacts located in the specified folder on server
ListMailboxes()Lists mailboxes in the global address list.
ListMessages(string)Lists the messages.
ListMessages(string, bool)List the messages in the specified folder
ListMessages(string, ExchangeListMessagesOptions)Lists the mail message in the specified folder.
ListMessages(string, int)Lists the messages.
ListMessages(string, string)Lists the messages.
ListMessages(string, int, ExchangeListMessagesOptions)List the messages in the specified folder
ListMessages(string, MailQuery, bool)Lists the messages.
ListMessages(string, string, bool)Lists the messages.
ListMessagesById(string, string)Lists the messages by id.
ListPublicFolders()Gets collection of public folders from root public folder
ListSubFolders(ExchangeFolderInfo)Gets collection of child public folders from parent
ListSubFolders(string)Gets collection of child folders from parent
MoveItems(string, params string[])Moves items.
MoveItems(string, bool, params string[])Moves items.
MoveMessage(ExchangeMessageInfo, string)Moves the message.
MoveMessage(string, string)Moves the message.
MoveMessage(ExchangeMessageInfo, string, bool)Moves the message.
MoveMessage(string, bool, string)Moves the message.
ResolveContacts(string)Resolves ambiguous mailbox display names. Note: the maximum count of returned contacts is 100. This is a restriction of used exchange command.
Restore(PersonalStorage, RestoreOptions)Restores exchange folders from the given personal storage.
Restore(Stream, RestoreOptions)Restores exchange folders from the given personal storage.
Restore(string, RestoreOptions)Restores exchange folders from the specified personal storage file.
Restore(PersonalStorage, ExchangeFolderInfoCollection, RestoreOptions)Restores the specified exchange folders from the given personal storage.
Restore(Stream, ExchangeFolderInfoCollection, RestoreOptions)Restores the specified exchange folders from the given personal storage.
Restore(string, ExchangeFolderInfoCollection, RestoreOptions)Restores the specified exchange folders from the specified personal storage file.
SaveMessage(string, Stream)Saves the message.
SaveMessage(string, string)Saves mail message specified by the uri to local file system. The mail message file is RFC 822 compliant format (EML). if you want to parse the mail message files, use MailMessage.
Send(MailMessage)Sends the mail message.
SetReadFlag(string)Marks the specifeid message as read.
SetReadFlag(string, bool)Marks the specifeid message as read.

See Also