ActiveSyncException | Represents errors that occur during ActiveSync protocol execution. |
ActiveSyncNotSupportedException | Represents errors that occur during ActiveSync protocol execution. |
AlternateView | Represents the format to view a message. |
AlternateViewCollection | Represents a collection of AlternateView objects. |
AlternateViewRemovedEventArgs | Provides data for the AlternateViewRemoved event. |
AsposeArgumentException | The exception that is thrown when one of the arguments provided to a method is not valid. |
AsposeArgumentNullException | The ArgumentException is thrown when an argument is null when it shouldn’t be. |
AsposeArgumentOutOfRangeException | The exception that is thrown when one of the arguments provided to a method is out of range. |
AsposeBadServerResponceException | Represents errors that occur during server operation execution. |
AsposeException | Base exception type for Aspose.Email Represents errors that occur during application execution. |
AsposeInvalidDataException | The exception that is thrown when one of the arguments provided to a method is not valid. |
AsposeInvalidEnumArgumentException | Base exceptioon type for Aspose.Email Represents errors that occur during application execution. |
AsposeInvalidOperationException | Exception class for denoting an object was in a state that made calling a method illegal. |
AsposeNotSupportedException | The exception that is thrown when an invoked method or parameter is not supported, or when there is an attempt to read, seek, or write to a stream that does not support the invoked functionality. |
Attachment | Represents an e-mail attachment. |
AttachmentBase | Base class for mail attachment. |
AttachmentCollection | Represents a collection of e-mail message attachments. |
BuildVersionInfo | Provides information about the current product name and version. |
ConversionProgressEventHandler | Represents signature for method that usually supplied by calling side and handles progress events. |
ElementProcessingException | The exception that is thrown when one of many elements failed with exception. |
EmlLoadOptions | Allows to specify additional options when loading MailMessage from Eml format. |
EmlSaveOptions | Allows to specify additional options when saving MailMessage to Eml and Emlx format. |
EmlValidationError | Represents the eml validation error information. |
EmlValidationErrorCollection | Represents the collection of EmlValidationError |
EmlxLoadOptions | Allows to specify additional options when loading MailMessage from Eml format. |
ExchangeException | Thrown if there is a MS Exchange communication failure. |
FileCorruptedException | Exception that is thrown during file reading, when the file appears to be corrupted and impossible to read. |
FileFormatInfo | |
FormatNotSupportedException | Exception that is thrown during document load, when the document format is not recognized or not supported by the component. |
GlobalFormattingOptions | Class that allow to set some formatting options for all newly created instances of this options. |
GoogleClientException | Represents errors that occur during ActiveSync protocol execution. |
HeadersFormattingOptions | Allows to specify headers formatting options when saving MailMessage to Mhtml or Html format. |
HeaderType | Represents the Internet standards and RFCs define header fields which may occur on Internet Mail Messages . |
HtmlLoadOptions | Allows to specify additional options when loading MailMessage from Html format. |
HtmlSaveOptions | Allows to specify additional options when saving MailMessage to Html format. |
HyperlinkRenderingCallback | Provides possibility to handle rendering of hyperlink in custom style. |
ImapException | Represents the exception that is thrown when the ImapClient is not able to complete an operation. |
License | Provides methods to license the component. |
LinkedResource | Represents an embedded resource in a message. |
LinkedResourceCollection | Represents a collection of LinkedResource objects |
LinkedResourceRemovedEventArgs | |
LoadOptions | This is an abstract base class for classes that allow the user to specify additional options when loading a MailMessage from a particular format. |
MailAddress | Represents the address of a message. |
MailAddressCollection | Represents a collection of MailAddress objects. |
MailboxInfo | Represents identification information about message in a mailbox. |
MailException | Represents the exception that is thrown when the mail message processing. |
MailMessage | |
MailMessageCollection | Represents a collection of MailMessage objects. |
MailMessageSaveType | Represents the mail message format.It can be in eml,msg or mhtml format. |
MessageAcceptanceCallback | Callback function which is being called during the conversion process. |
MessageFormat | Represents the mail message format.It can be in eml,msg or mhtml format. |
Metered | Provides methods to set metered key. |
MhtmlLoadOptions | Allows to specify additional options when loading MailMessage from Mhtml format. |
MhtSaveOptions | Allows to specify additional options when saving MailMessage to Mhtml format. |
MhtTemplateName | Defines well known names of headers for Mhtml formatting. |
MsgLoadOptions | Allows to specify additional options when loading MailMessage from Msg format. |
MsgSaveOptions | This class allows the user to specify additional settings when saving a MailMessage in the Msg(ASCII) and Msg(Unicode) format. |
ObjectIdentifier | Contains object identification information |
Pop3Exception | Represents the exception that is thrown when the Pop3Client is not able to complete an operation. |
ProgressEventHandlerInfo | This class represents information about conversion progress that can be used in external applicatuion to show conversion progress to end user. |
ReferenceAttachment | This class represents a reference attachment |
ResourceHtmlRenderingEventArgs | Represents additional parameters for ResourceHtmlRendering event. |
SaveOptions | This is an abstract base class for classes that allow the user to specify additional options when saving a MailMessage into a particular format. |
SecureEmailManager | Class that provided methods for working with secure emails. |
SignatureOptions | This class allow the user to specify additional options when sign a message. |
SmimeResult | This class containing results of checking secure emails. |
SmtpException | Represents the exception that is thrown when the SmtpClient is not able to complete an operation. |
SSPIException | Represents errors that occur during SSPI execution. |
TimeoutException | Represents the exception that is thrown when the time for operation has expired. |
TnefLoadOptions | Allows to specify additional options when loading MailMessage from Tnef format. |