PdfSaveOptions Class

PdfSaveOptions class

Specific data class provides few properties to manage conversion result. For example PageSetup specifies page characteristics. Refer to documentation article.

public class PdfSaveOptions : PdfRenderingOptions


PdfSaveOptions()The default constructor.


[setBackgroundColor] Gets or sets Color which will fill background of every page. Default value is Transparent.
getCss Gets a CssOptions object which is used for configuration of css properties processing.
getDocumentInfo Contains information about the output PDF document.
[setEncryption] Gets or sets a encryption details. If not set, then no encryption will be performed.
[setFormFieldBehaviour] Specifies the behavior of form fields in the output PDF document.
horizontalResolution { get; set; }Sets or gets horizontal resolution for internal (which are used during filters processing) images, in pixels per inch. By default this property is 300 dpi.
[setIsTaggedPdf] Creates a tag structure if true.
[setJpegQuality] Specifies the quality of JPEG compression for images (if JPEG compression is used). Default is 95.
getPageSetup Gets a page setup object is used for configuration output page-set.
verticalResolution { get; set; }Sets or gets vertical resolution for internal (which are used during filters processing) images, in pixels per inch. By default this property is 300 dpi.


You can find complete examples and data files on GitHub.


import Aspose.Html;
import com.aspose.html.converters;
import com.aspose.html.saving;
import System;
 	 // Prepare a path to a source HTML file
      String documentPath = Path.Combine(DataDir, "drawing.html");

      // Prepare a path for converted file saving 
      String savePath = Path.Combine(OutputDir, "drawing-options.pdf");

      // Initialize an HTML document from the file
      using var document = new HTMLDocument(documentPath);

      // Initialize PdfSaveOptions. Set up the page-size 600x300 pixels, margins, 
      // resolutions and change the background color to AliceBlue 
      var options = new PdfSaveOptions()
        HorizontalResolution = 200,
        VerticalResolution = 200,
        BackgroundColor = Color.AliceBlue,
        JpegQuality = 100
      options.PageSetup.AnyPage = new Page(new com.aspose.html.drawing.Size(600, 300), new Margin(20, 10, 10, 10));      

      // Convert HTML to PDF
      Converter.ConvertHTML(document, options, savePath);

See Also