Class DocumentBannerSheet

DocumentBannerSheet class

Describes the banner sheet to be output for a particular document. The banner sheet should be output on the default PageMediaSize and using the default PageMediaType. The banner sheet should be also isolated from the remainder of the job. This means that any finishing or processing options (such as DocumentDuplex, DocumentStaple, or DocumentBinding) should not include the banner sheet. The banner sheet may or may not be isolated from the remainder of the job. This means that any job finishing or processing options, may include the document banner sheet. The banner sheet should occur as the first sheet of the document.

public sealed class DocumentBannerSheet : Feature, IDocumentPrintTicketItem, IJobPrintTicketItem


DocumentBannerSheet(params BannerSheetOption[])Creates a new instance.


Name { get; }Gets the element name.


Add(params IFeatureItem[])Adds a list of items to the end of this feature’s item list. Each one must be a Feature, an Option, or a Property instance.

Other Members

class BannerSheetOptionRepresents options of the DocumentBannerSheet feature.

See Also