Class DocumentCoverFront.CoverFrontOption

DocumentCoverFront.CoverFrontOption class

Describes the DocumentCoverFront feature options.

public sealed class CoverFrontOption : Option


Name { get; }Gets the element name.


Add(params IOptionItem[])Adds a list of items to the end of this option’s item list. Each one must be a ScoredProperty or Property instance.


static BlankCoverSpecifies a blank cover sheet should be printed.
static NoCoverSpecifies no cover will be output.
static PrintBackSpecifies the cover indicated by “CoverFrontSource” should be printed on the back side of the cover sheet. If a DocumentCoverFrontSourceParameterInit element is not specified, this Option should be ignored.
static PrintBothSpecifies the cover indicated by “CoverFrontSource” may be printed on either side of the cover sheet. If a DocumentCoverFrontSourceParameterInit element is not specified, this Option should be ignored.
static PrintFrontSpecifies the cover indicated by “CoverFrontSource” should be printed on the front side of the cover sheet. If a DocumentCoverFrontSourceParameterInit element is not specified, this Option should be ignored.

See Also