Class InputBin

InputBin class

The base class for JobInputBin, DocumentInputBin and PageInputBin features classes.

public abstract class InputBin : Feature


Name { get; }Gets the element name.


Add(params IFeatureItem[])Adds a list of items to the end of this feature’s item list. Each one must be a Feature, an Option, or a Property instance.

Other Members

class BinTypeDefines constants for the BinType scored property value that specify the type of the bin.
class FeedDirectionDefines constants for the FeedDirection property value that specify whether media is fed long edge first or short edge first.
class FeedFaceDefines constants for the FeedFace property value that specify whether media is to be printed face up or face down.
class FeedTypeDefines constants for the FeedType scored property value that specify the feed mechanism of the bin.
interface IInputBinItemThe interface of any JobInputBin, DocumentInputBin and PageInputBin feature item.
interface IInputBinOptionItemThe interface of any InputBinOption item.
class InputBinOptionDescribes the JobInputBin, DocumentInputBin and PageInputBin features options.
class MediaCapacityDefine constants for the MediaCapacity scored property value that specify whether the bin is a high capacity bin (qualitative).
class MediaPathDefines constants for the MediaPath scored property value that specify the characteristics of the media path.
class MediaSheetCapacityDefines the MediaSheetCapacity scored property value that specifies the Media capacity in number of pages (full level) of the bin.
class MediaSizeAutoSenseDefines constants for the MediaSizeAutoSense scored property value that specifies the media size auto sense capability of the device.
class MediaTypeAutoSenseDefines constants for the MediaTypeAutoSense scored property value that specify the media capacity in number of pages (full level) of the bin.

See Also