Class JobDeviceLanguage.JobDeviceLanguageOption

JobDeviceLanguage.JobDeviceLanguageOption class

Describes the JobDeviceLanguage feature options.

public sealed class JobDeviceLanguageOption : Option


JobDeviceLanguageOption(JobDeviceLanguageOption)Clones this option instance.
JobDeviceLanguageOption(string, params IJobDeviceLanguageOptionItem[])Creates a new instance.


Name { get; }Gets the element name.


Add(params IJobDeviceLanguageOptionItem[])Adds a list of IJobDeviceLanguageOptionItem instances to the options.
Add(params IOptionItem[])Adds a list of items to the end of this option’s item list. Each one must be a ScoredProperty or Property instance.
Clone()Clones this option instance. The shortcut to the cloneing constructor.
SetLanguageEncoding(string)Sets the
SetLanguageLevel(string)Sets the
SetLanguageVersion(string)Sets the


static readonly ARTSpecified device language is ART.
static readonly ASCIISpecified device language is ASCII.
static readonly CaPSLSpecified device language is CaPSL.
static readonly ESCP2Specified device language is ESC/P2.
static readonly ESCPageSpecified device language is ESC/Page.
static readonly HPGL2Specified device language is HP-GL/2.
static readonly KPDLSpecified device language is KPDL.
static readonly KSSpecified device language is KS.
static readonly KSSMSpecified device language is KSSM.
static readonly PCLSpecified device language is PCL.
static readonly PCL5cSpecified device language is PCL5c.
static readonly PCL5eSpecified device language is PCL5e.
static readonly PCLXLSpecified device language is PCL-XL.
static readonly PostScriptSpecified device language is PostScript.
static readonly PPDSSpecified device language is PPDS.
static readonly RPDLSpecified device language is RPDL.
static readonly RTLSpecified device language is RTL.
static readonly XPSSpecifies device language is XPS.
static readonly _201PLSpecifies device language is PC-PR201.

See Also