Class OutputBin

OutputBin class

The base class for JobOutputBin, DocumentOutputBin and PageOutputBin features classes.

public abstract class OutputBin : Feature


Name { get; }Gets the element name.


Add(params IFeatureItem[])Adds a list of items to the end of this feature’s item list. Each one must be a Feature, an Option, or a Property instance.

Other Members

class BinTypeDefines constants for the BinType scored property value that specify the general type of the bin.
interface IOutputBinItemThe interface of any JobOutputBin, DocumentOutputBin and PageOutputBin feature item.
interface IOutputBinOptionItemThe interface of any OutputBinOption item.
class MediaSheetCapacityDefines the MediaSheetCapacity scored property value that specifies the Media capacity in number of pages (full level) of the bin.
class OutputBinOptionDescribes the JobOutputBin, DocumentOutputBin and PageOutputBin features options.

See Also