Class PageMediaSize.PageMediaSizeOption

PageMediaSize.PageMediaSizeOption class

Describes the PageMediaSize feature options.

public sealed class PageMediaSizeOption : Option


PageMediaSizeOption(PageMediaSizeOption)Clones this option instance.
PageMediaSizeOption(string, params IPageMediaSizeOptionItem[])Creates a new instance.


Name { get; }Gets the element name.


Add(params IOptionItem[])Adds a list of items to the end of this option’s item list. Each one must be a ScoredProperty or Property instance.
Add(params IPageMediaSizeOptionItem[])Adds items to the options.
Clone()Clones this option instance. The shortcut to the cloneing constructor.
SetMediaSizeHeight(int)Adds the
SetMediaSizeWidth(int)Adds the


static BusinessCardBusiness Card
static CreditCardCredit Card
static CustomMediaSizeSpecifies a custom media size. Must be validated against
static ISOA0ISOA0
static ISOA1ISOA1
static ISOA10ISOA10
static ISOA2ISOA2
static ISOA3ISOA3
static ISOA3ExtraISOA3 extra
static ISOA3RotatedISOA3 rotated
static ISOA4ISOA4
static ISOA4ExtraISOA4 extra
static ISOA4RotatedISOA4 rotated
static ISOA5ISOA5
static ISOA5ExtraISOA5 extra
static ISOA5RotatedISOA5 rotated
static ISOA6ISOA6
static ISOA6RotatedISOA6 rotated
static ISOA7ISOA7
static ISOA8ISOA8
static ISOA9ISOA9
static ISOB0ISOB0
static ISOB1ISOB1
static ISOB10ISOB10
static ISOB2ISOB2
static ISOB3ISOB3
static ISOB4ISOB4
static ISOB4EnvelopeISOB4 envelope
static ISOB5EnvelopeISOB5 envelope
static ISOB5ExtraISOB5 extra
static ISOB7ISOB7
static ISOB8ISOB8
static ISOB9ISOB9
static ISOC0ISOC0
static ISOC1ISOC1
static ISOC10ISOC10
static ISOC2ISOC2
static ISOC3ISOC3
static ISOC3EnvelopeISOC3 envelope
static ISOC4ISOC4
static ISOC4EnvelopeISOC4 envelope
static ISOC5ISOC5
static ISOC5EnvelopeISOC5 envelope
static ISOC6ISOC6
static ISOC6C5EnvelopeISOC6C5 envelope
static ISOC6EnvelopeISOC6 envelope
static ISOC7ISOC7
static ISOC8ISOC8
static ISOC9ISOC9
static ISODLEnvelopeISODL envelope
static ISODLEnvelopeRotatedISODL envelope rotated
static Japan2LPhotoJapan 2L Photo
static JapanChou3EnvelopeJapan Chou3 envelope
static JapanChou3EnvelopeRotatedJapan Chou3 envelope rotated
static JapanChou4EnvelopeJapan Chou4 envelope
static JapanChou4EnvelopeRotatedJapan Chou4 envelope rotated
static JapanDoubleHagakiPostcardJapan Double Hagaki Postcard
static JapanDoubleHagakiPostcardRotatedJapan Double Hagaki Postcard rotated
static JapanHagakiPostcardJapan Hagaki Postcard
static JapanHagakiPostcardRotatedJapan Hagaki Postcard rotated
static JapanKaku2EnvelopeJapan Kaku2 envelope
static JapanKaku2EnvelopeRotatedJapan Kaku2 envelope rotated
static JapanKaku3EnvelopeJapan Kaku3 envelope
static JapanKaku3EnvelopeRotatedJapan Kaku3 envelope rotated
static JapanLPhotoJapan L Photo
static JapanQuadrupleHagakiPostcardJapan Quadruple Hagaki Postcard
static JapanYou1EnvelopeJapan You1 envelope
static JapanYou2EnvelopeJapan You2 envelope
static JapanYou3EnvelopeJapan You3 envelope
static JapanYou4EnvelopeJapan You4 envelope
static JapanYou4EnvelopeRotatedJapan You4 envelope rotated
static JapanYou6EnvelopeJapan You6 envelope
static JapanYou6EnvelopeRotatedJapan You6 envelope rotated
static JISB0JISB0
static JISB1JISB1
static JISB10JISB10
static JISB2JISB2
static JISB3JISB3
static JISB4JISB4
static JISB4RotatedJISB4 rotated
static JISB5JISB5
static JISB5RotatedJISB5 rotated
static JISB6JISB6
static JISB6RotatedJISB6 rotated
static JISB7JISB7
static JISB8JISB8
static JISB9JISB9
static NorthAmerica10x11North America 10x11
static NorthAmerica10x12North America 10x12
static NorthAmerica10x14North America 10x14
static NorthAmerica11x17North America 11x17
static NorthAmerica14x17North America 14x17
static NorthAmerica4x6North America 4x6
static NorthAmerica4x8North America 4x8
static NorthAmerica5x7North America 5x7
static NorthAmerica8x10North America 8x10
static NorthAmerica9x11North America 9x11
static NorthAmericaArchitectureASheetNorth America Architecture A sheet
static NorthAmericaArchitectureBSheetNorth America Architecture B sheet
static NorthAmericaArchitectureCSheetNorth America Architecture C sheet
static NorthAmericaArchitectureDSheetNorth America Architecture D sheet
static NorthAmericaArchitectureESheetNorth America Architecture E sheet
static NorthAmericaCSheetNorth America C sheet
static NorthAmericaDSheetNorth America D sheet
static NorthAmericaESheetNorth America E sheet
static NorthAmericaExecutiveNorth America Executive
static NorthAmericaGermanLegalFanfoldNorth America German Legal Fanfold
static NorthAmericaGermanStandardFanfoldNorth America German Standard Fanfold
static NorthAmericaLegalNorth America Legal
static NorthAmericaLegalExtraNorth America Legal extra
static NorthAmericaLetterNorth America Letter
static NorthAmericaLetterExtraNorth America Letter extra
static NorthAmericaLetterPlusNorth America Letter Plus
static NorthAmericaLetterRotatedNorth America Letter rotated
static NorthAmericaMonarchEnvelopeNorth America Monarch envelope
static NorthAmericaNoteNorth America Note
static NorthAmericaNumber10EnvelopeNorth America Number 10 envelope
static NorthAmericaNumber10EnvelopeRotatedNorth America Number 10 envelope rotated
static NorthAmericaNumber11EnvelopeNorth America Number 11 envelope
static NorthAmericaNumber12EnvelopeNorth America Number 12 envelope
static NorthAmericaNumber14EnvelopeNorth America Number 14 envelope
static NorthAmericaNumber9EnvelopeNorth America Number 9 envelope
static NorthAmericaPersonalEnvelopeNorth America Personal envelope
static NorthAmericaQuartoNorth America Quarto
static NorthAmericaStatementNorth America Statement
static NorthAmericaSuperANorth America Super A
static NorthAmericaSuperBNorth America Super B
static NorthAmericaTabloidNorth America Tabloid
static NorthAmericaTabloidExtraNorth America Tabloid extra
static OtherMetricA3PlusOther Metric A3 Plus
static OtherMetricA4PlusOther Metric A4 Plus
static OtherMetricFolioOther Metric Folio
static OtherMetricInviteEnvelopeOther Metric Invite envelope
static OtherMetricItalianEnvelopeOther Metric Italian envelope
static PRC10EnvelopePRC10 envelope
static PRC10EnvelopeRotatedPRC10 envelope rotated
static PRC16KPRC16K
static PRC16KRotatedPRC16K rotated
static PRC1EnvelopePRC1 envelope
static PRC1EnvelopeRotatedPRC1 envelope rotated
static PRC2EnvelopePRC2 envelope
static PRC2EnvelopeRotatedPRC2 envelope rotated
static PRC32KPRC32K
static PRC32KBigPRC32K big
static PRC32KRotatedPRC32K rotated
static PRC3EnvelopePRC3 envelope
static PRC3EnvelopeRotatedPRC3 envelope rotated
static PRC4EnvelopePRC4 envelope
static PRC4EnvelopeRotatedPRC4 envelope rotated
static PRC5EnvelopePRC envelope
static PRC5EnvelopeRotatedPRC5 envelope rotated
static PRC6EnvelopePRC6 envelope
static PRC6EnvelopeRotatedPRC6 envelope rotated
static PRC7EnvelopePRC7 envelope
static PRC7EnvelopeRotatedPRC7 envelope rotated
static PRC8EnvelopePRC8 envelope
static PRC8EnvelopeRotatedPRC8 envelope rotated
static PRC9EnvelopePRC9 envelope
static PRC9EnvelopeRotatedPRC9 envelope rotated
static PSCustomMediaSizeSpecifies a custom media size (PostScript specific). Must be validated against
static Roll06InchRoll 06 inch
static Roll08InchRoll 08 inch
static Roll12InchRoll 12 inch
static Roll15InchRoll 15 inch
static Roll18InchRoll 18 inch
static Roll22InchRoll 22 inch
static Roll24InchRoll 24 inch
static Roll30InchRoll 30 inch
static Roll36InchRoll 36 inch
static Roll54InchRoll 54 inch

See Also