Class PageScaling.ScaleOffsetAlignmentOption

PageScaling.ScaleOffsetAlignmentOption class

Describes the ScaleOffsetAlignment features options. Specifies the alignment of the scaled content.

public sealed class ScaleOffsetAlignmentOption : Option


Name { get; }Gets the element name.


Add(params IOptionItem[])Adds a list of items to the end of this option’s item list. Each one must be a ScoredProperty or Property instance.


static BottomCenterSpecifies the scaling should be aligned on the center of the bottom edge of the media.
static BottomLeftSpecifies the scaling should be aligned on the bottom left corner of the media.
static BottomRightSpecifies the scaling should be aligned on the bottom right corner of the media.
static CenterSpecifies the scaling should be centered on the media.
static LeftCenterSpecifies the scaling should be aligned on the center of the left edge of the media.
static RightCenterSpecifies the scaling should be aligned on the center of the right edge of the media.
static TopCenterSpecifies the scaling should be aligned on the center of the top edge of the media.
static TopLeftSpecifies the scaling should be aligned on the top left corner of the media.
static TopRightSpecifies the scaling should be aligned on the top right corner of the media.

See Also