Class TextStyle

TextStyle class

Describes PUB text style

public class TextStyle : BaseStyle




ColorIndex { get; }Gets index of color in Document.Colors array
FontIndex { get; }Gets index of font name in Document.FontNames array
IsAllCapsMode { get; }Is all caps mode enabled
IsBold { get; }Is text bold
IsEmboss { get; }Is text embossed
IsEmpty { get; }Is style not initialized
IsEngrave { get; }Is text engraved
IsItalic { get; }Is text italic
IsOutline { get; }Is text outlined
IsShadow { get; }Is text shadowed
IsSmallCapsMode { get; }Is small caps mode enabled
Locale { get; }Locale identifier
RawTextSize { get; }Size of text in PUB metrics(in EMUs)
ScaleValue { get; }Value of scale
SuperscriptType { get; }Type of superscript
UnderlineType { get; }Underline type for text


CalculateTextSize()Calculates text size in points
SetColorIndex(int)Sets index of color in Document.Colors array
SetFontIndex(int)Sets index of font name in Document.FontNames array
SetIsAllCapsMode(bool)Enables/disables all caps mode for text
SetIsBold(bool)Sets is text bold
SetIsEmboss(bool)Sets is text embossed
SetIsEngrave(bool)Sets is text engraved
SetIsItalic(bool)Sets is text italic
SetIsOutline(bool)Sets is text outlined
SetIsShadow(bool)Sets is text shadowed
SetIsSmallCapsMode(bool)Enables/disables small caps mode for text
SetLocale(int)Sets locale identifier
SetRawTextSize(int)Sets size of text in PUB metrics(in EMUs)
SetScaleValue(double)Sets value of scale
SetSuperscriptType(SuperscriptType)Sets type of superscript
SetUnderlineType(UnderlineType)Sets underline type for text

See Also