
IHtml5Options interface

Represents a HTML5 exporting options.

public interface IHtml5Options : ISaveOptions


AnimateShapes { get; set; }Returns or sets shapes animation option. Read/write Boolean.
AnimateTransitions { get; set; }Returns or sets transitions animation option. Read/write Boolean.
AsISaveOptions { get; }Returns ISaveOptions interface. Read-only ISaveOptions.
DisableFontLigatures { get; set; }Gets or sets a value indicating whether text is rendered without using ligatures. When set to true, ligatures will be disabled in the rendered output. By default, this property is set to false.
EmbedImages { get; set; }Returns or sets images embedding option. Read/write Boolean.
NotesCommentsLayouting { get; set; }Provides options that control how notes and comments is placed in exported document. Read/write INotesCommentsLayoutingOptions.
OutputPath { get; set; }Determines where external resources should be stored. Read/write String.



using (Presentation pres = new Presentation("demo.pptx"))
  pres.Save("demo-animate-shapes-and-transitions.html", SaveFormat.Html5, new Html5Options()
      AnimateShapes = true,
      AnimateTransitions = true

See Also