Aspose::Words::Drawing::Charts::ChartDataLabelCollection::get_Position method
ChartDataLabelCollection::get_Position method
Gets or sets the position of the data labels.
Aspose::Words::Drawing::Charts::ChartDataLabelPosition Aspose::Words::Drawing::Charts::ChartDataLabelCollection::get_Position()
The position can be set for data labels of the following chart series types:
- Bar, Column, Histogram, Pareto, Waterfall; allowed values: Center, InsideBase, InsideEnd and OutsideEnd;
- BarStacked, BarPercentStacked, ColumnStacked, ColumnPercentStacked; allowed values: Center, InsideBase and InsideEnd;
- Bubble, Bubble3D, Line, LineStacked, LinePercentStacked, Scatter, Stock; allowed values: Center, Left, Right, Above and Below;
- Pie, Pie3D, PieOfBar, PieOfPie; allowed values: Center, InsideEnd, OutsideEnd and BestFit;
- BoxAndWhisker; allowed values: Left, Right, Above and Below.
See Also
- Enum ChartDataLabelPosition
- Class ChartDataLabelCollection
- Namespace Aspose::Words::Drawing::Charts
- Library Aspose.Words for C++