Aspose::Words::Drawing::Charts::MarkerSymbol enum
]MarkerSymbol enum
Specifies marker symbol style.
enum class MarkerSymbol
Name | Value | Description |
Default | 0 | Specifies a default marker symbol shall be drawn at each data point. |
Circle | 1 | Specifies a circle shall be drawn at each data point. |
Dash | 2 | Specifies a dash shall be drawn at each data point. |
Diamond | 3 | Specifies a diamond shall be drawn at each data point. |
Dot | 4 | Specifies a dot shall be drawn at each data point. |
None | 5 | Specifies nothing shall be drawn at each data point. |
Picture | 6 | Specifies a picture shall be drawn at each data point. |
Plus | 7 | Specifies a plus shall be drawn at each data point. |
Square | 8 | Specifies a square shall be drawn at each data point. |
Star | 9 | Specifies a star shall be drawn at each data point. |
Triangle | 10 | Specifies a triangle shall be drawn at each data point. |
X | 11 | Specifies an X shall be drawn at each data point. |
Shows how to work with data points on a line chart.
void ChartDataPoint_()
auto doc = MakeObject<Document>();
auto builder = MakeObject<DocumentBuilder>(doc);
SharedPtr<Shape> shape = builder->InsertChart(ChartType::Line, 500, 350);
SharedPtr<Chart> chart = shape->get_Chart();
ASSERT_EQ(3, chart->get_Series()->get_Count());
ASSERT_EQ(u"Series 1", chart->get_Series()->idx_get(0)->get_Name());
ASSERT_EQ(u"Series 2", chart->get_Series()->idx_get(1)->get_Name());
ASSERT_EQ(u"Series 3", chart->get_Series()->idx_get(2)->get_Name());
// Emphasize the chart's data points by making them appear as diamond shapes.
for (const auto& series : System::IterateOver(chart->get_Series()))
ApplyDataPoints(series, 4, MarkerSymbol::Diamond, 15);
// Smooth out the line that represents the first data series.
// Verify that data points for the first series will not invert their colors if the value is negative.
SharedPtr<System::Collections::Generic::IEnumerator<SharedPtr<ChartDataPoint>>> enumerator =
while (enumerator->MoveNext())
// For a cleaner looking graph, we can clear format individually.
// We can also strip an entire series of data points at once.
doc->Save(ArtifactsDir + u"Charts.ChartDataPoint.docx");
static void ApplyDataPoints(SharedPtr<ChartSeries> series, int dataPointsCount, MarkerSymbol markerSymbol, int dataPointSize)
for (int i = 0; i < dataPointsCount; i++)
SharedPtr<ChartDataPoint> point = series->get_DataPoints()->idx_get(i);
ASSERT_EQ(i, point->get_Index());
See Also
- Namespace Aspose::Words::Drawing::Charts
- Library Aspose.Words for C++