width property

CellFormat.width property

Gets the width of the cell in points.

def width(self) -> float:

def width(self, value: float):


The width is calculated by Aspose.Words on document loading and saving. Currently, not every combination of table, cell and document properties is supported. The returned value may not be accurate for some documents. It may not exactly match the cell width as calculated by MS Word when the document is opened in MS Word.

Setting this property is not recommended. There is no guarantee that the cell will actually have the set width. The width may be adjusted to accommodate cell contents in an auto-fit table layout. Cells in other rows may have conflicting width settings. The table may be resized to fit into the container or to meet table width settings. Consider using CellFormat.preferred_width for setting the cell width. Setting this property sets CellFormat.preferred_width implicitly since version 15.8.


Shows how to build a table with custom borders.

doc = aw.Document()
builder = aw.DocumentBuilder(doc)
# Setting table formatting options for a document builder
# will apply them to every row and cell that we add with it.
builder.paragraph_format.alignment = aw.ParagraphAlignment.CENTER
builder.cell_format.width = 150
builder.cell_format.vertical_alignment = aw.tables.CellVerticalAlignment.CENTER
builder.cell_format.shading.background_pattern_color = aspose.pydrawing.Color.green_yellow
builder.cell_format.wrap_text = False
builder.cell_format.fit_text = True
builder.row_format.height_rule = aw.HeightRule.EXACTLY
builder.row_format.height = 50
builder.row_format.borders.line_style = aw.LineStyle.ENGRAVE_3D
builder.row_format.borders.color = aspose.pydrawing.Color.orange
builder.write('Row 1, Col 1')
builder.write('Row 1, Col 2')
# Changing the formatting will apply it to the current cell,
# and any new cells that we create with the builder afterward.
# This will not affect the cells that we have added previously.
builder.write('Row 2, Col 1')
builder.write('Row 2, Col 2')
# Increase row height to fit the vertical text.
builder.row_format.height = 150
builder.cell_format.orientation = aw.TextOrientation.UPWARD
builder.write('Row 3, Col 1')
builder.cell_format.orientation = aw.TextOrientation.DOWNWARD
builder.write('Row 3, Col 2')
doc.save(file_name=ARTIFACTS_DIR + 'DocumentBuilder.InsertTable.docx')

Shows how to format cells with a document builder.

doc = aw.Document()
builder = aw.DocumentBuilder(doc)
table = builder.start_table()
builder.write('Row 1, cell 1.')
# Insert a second cell, and then configure cell text padding options.
# The builder will apply these settings at its current cell, and any new cells creates afterwards.
cell_format = builder.cell_format
cell_format.width = 250
cell_format.left_padding = 30
cell_format.right_padding = 30
cell_format.top_padding = 30
cell_format.bottom_padding = 30
builder.write('Row 1, cell 2.')
# The first cell was unaffected by the padding reconfiguration, and still holds the default values.
self.assertEqual(0, table.first_row.cells[0].cell_format.width)
self.assertEqual(5.4, table.first_row.cells[0].cell_format.left_padding)
self.assertEqual(5.4, table.first_row.cells[0].cell_format.right_padding)
self.assertEqual(0, table.first_row.cells[0].cell_format.top_padding)
self.assertEqual(0, table.first_row.cells[0].cell_format.bottom_padding)
self.assertEqual(250, table.first_row.cells[1].cell_format.width)
self.assertEqual(30, table.first_row.cells[1].cell_format.left_padding)
self.assertEqual(30, table.first_row.cells[1].cell_format.right_padding)
self.assertEqual(30, table.first_row.cells[1].cell_format.top_padding)
self.assertEqual(30, table.first_row.cells[1].cell_format.bottom_padding)
# The first cell will still grow in the output document to match the size of its neighboring cell.
doc.save(file_name=ARTIFACTS_DIR + 'DocumentBuilder.SetCellFormatting.docx')

See Also