MappingMode enumeration

MappingMode enumeration

Determines how the element is mapped to a surface. The MappingMode defined how VertexElement is mapped to the surface of geometry.

The MappingMode type exposes the following members:


CONTROL_POINTEach data is mapped to the control point of the geometry.
POLYGON_VERTEXThe data is mapped to the polygon’s vertex
When a control point is shared by multiple polygons, and the data is mapped as MappingMode.POLYGON_VERTEX, the control point as different polygon vertex will have their own data
POLYGONThe data is mapped to the polygon.
Each polygon vertex shares the same data when mapping mode is MappingMode.POLYGON.
EDGEThe data is mapped to the edge.
Each edge end point shares the same data when mapping is MappingMode.EDGE.
ALL_SAMEOne data mapped to the whole surface.
What ever data is interpreted as control point/polygon vertex/edge endpoints, the data is always the same as it defined by MappingMode.ALL_SAME.

See Also