VertexElementSmoothingGroup class

VertexElementSmoothingGroup class

A smoothing group is a group of polygons in a polygon mesh which should appear to form a smooth surface. Some early 3d modeling software like 3D studio max for DOS used smoothing group to void storing normal vector for each mesh vertex.

Inheritance: VertexElementSmoothingGroupVertexElementIntsTemplateVertexElement

The VertexElementSmoothingGroup type exposes the following members:


initInitializes a new instance of the VertexElementSmoothingGroup class.


vertex_element_typeGets the type of the VertexElement
nameGets or sets the name.
mapping_modeGets or sets how the element is mapped.
reference_modeGets or sets how the element is referenced.
indicesGets the indices data
dataGets the vertex data


set_indicesLoad indices
clearRemoves all elements from the direct and the index arrays.
copy_toCopies data to specified element
set_dataLoad data

See Also