Quaternion class
Quaternion class
Quaternion is usually used to perform rotation in computer graphics.
The Quaternion type exposes the following members:
Constructor | Description |
init | Initializes a new instance of the Quaternion class. |
init | Constructs a new instance of Quaternion |
Property | Description |
length | Gets the length of the quaternion |
IDENTITY | The Identity quaternion. |
Method | Description |
from_euler_angle | Creates quaternion from given Euler angle |
from_euler_angle | Creates quaternion from given Euler angle |
conjugate | Returns a conjugate quaternion of current quaternion |
inverse | Returns a inverse quaternion of current quaternion |
dot | Dots product |
euler_angles | Converts quaternion to rotation represented by Euler angles All components are in radian |
normalize | Normalize the quaternion |
to_angle_axis | |
concat | Concatenate two quaternions |
from_angle_axis | Creates a quaternion around given axis and rotate in clockwise |
from_rotation | Creates a quaternion that rotate from original to destination direction |
to_matrix | Convert the rotation presented by quaternion to transform matrix. |
interpolate | Populates this quaternion with the interpolated value between the given quaternion arguments for a t between from and to. |
See Also
- module
- class