Inheritance: java.lang.Object
public class DecodeType
Specify the type of barcode to read.
This sample shows how to detect Code39 and Code128 barcodes. BarCodeReader reader = new BarCodeReader("test.png", DecodeType.CODE_39, DecodeType.CODE_128); for(BarCodeResult result : reader.readBarCodes()) { System.out.println("BarCode Type: " + result.getCodeTypeName()); System.out.println("BarCode CodeText: " + result.getCodeText()); }
Constructor | Description |
DecodeType() |
Field | Description |
ALL_SUPPORTED_TYPES | Specifies that data will be checked with all available symbologies |
AUSTRALIAN_POSTE_PARCEL | Specifies that the data should be decoded with Australian Post Domestic eParcel Barcode barcode specification |
AUSTRALIA_POST | Specifies that the data should be decoded with Australia Post barcode specification |
AZTEC | Specifies that the data should be decoded with Aztec barcode specification |
CODABAR | Specifies that the data should be decoded with CODABAR barcode specification |
CODABLOCK_F | Specifies that the data should be decoded with CodablockF barcode specification |
CODE_11 | Specifies that the data should be decoded with CODE 11 barcode specification |
CODE_128 | Specifies that the data should be decoded with CODE 128 barcode specification |
CODE_16_K | Specifies that the data should be decoded with SCode16K barcode specification |
CODE_32 | Specifies that the data should be decoded with Code32 barcode specification |
CODE_39 | Specifies that the data should be decoded with Code 39 basic charset barcode specification: ISO/IEC 16388 |
CODE_39_FULL_ASCII | Specifies that the data should be decoded with Code 39 full ASCII charset barcode specification: ISO/IEC 16388 |
CODE_93 | Specifies that the data should be decoded with CODE 93 barcode specification |
COMPACT_PDF_417 | Specifies that the data should be decoded with CompactPdf417 (Pdf417Truncated) barcode specification |
DATABAR_EXPANDED | Specifies that the data should be decoded with GS1 DATABAR expanded barcode specification |
DATABAR_EXPANDED_STACKED | Specifies that the data should be decoded with GS1 DATABAR expanded stacked barcode specification |
DATABAR_LIMITED | Specifies that the data should be decoded with GS1 DATABAR limited barcode specification |
DATABAR_OMNI_DIRECTIONAL | Specifies that the data should be decoded with GS1 DATABAR omni-directional barcode specification |
DATABAR_STACKED | Specifies that the data should be decoded with GS1 DATABAR stacked barcode specification |
DATABAR_STACKED_OMNI_DIRECTIONAL | Specifies that the data should be decoded with GS1 DATABAR stacked omni-directional barcode specification |
DATABAR_TRUNCATED | Specifies that the data should be decoded with GS1 DATABAR truncated barcode specification |
DATA_LOGIC_2_OF_5 | Specifies that the data should be decoded with DataLogic 2 of 5 barcode specification |
DATA_MATRIX | Specifies that the data should be decoded with DataMatrix barcode symbology |
DEUTSCHE_POST_IDENTCODE | Specifies that the data should be decoded with DeutschePost Ident code barcode specification |
DEUTSCHE_POST_LEITCODE | Specifies that the data should be decoded with DeutschePost Leit code barcode specification |
DOT_CODE | Specifies that the data should be decoded with DotCode barcode specification |
DUTCH_KIX | Specifies that the data should be decoded with DotCode barcode specification |
EAN_13 | Specifies that the data should be decoded with EAN-13 barcode specification |
EAN_14 | Specifies that the data should be decoded with EAN14 barcode specification |
EAN_8 | Specifies that the data should be decoded with EAN-8 barcode specification |
GS_1_AZTEC | Specifies that the data should be decoded with GS1 Aztec barcode specification |
GS_1_CODE_128 | Specifies that the data should be decoded with GS1 CODE 128 barcode specification |
GS_1_COMPOSITE_BAR | Specifies that the data should be decoded with GS1 Composite Bar barcode specification |
GS_1_DATA_MATRIX | Specifies that the data should be decoded with GS1DataMatrix barcode symbology |
GS_1_DOT_CODE | Specifies that the data should be decoded with GS1 DotCode barcode specification |
GS_1_HAN_XIN | Specifies that the data should be decoded with GS1 Han Xin Code barcode specification |
GS_1_MICRO_PDF_417 | Specifies that the data should be decoded with MicroPdf417 barcode specification |
GS_1_QR | Specifies that the data should be decoded with GS1 QR barcode specification |
HAN_XIN | Specifies that the data should be decoded with Han Xin Code barcode specification |
HIBCQRLIC | Specifies that the data should be decoded with HIBC LIC QR barcode specification |
HIBCQRPAS | Specifies that the data should be decoded with HIBC PAS QR barcode specification |
HIBC_AZTEC_LIC | Specifies that the data should be decoded with HIBC LIC Aztec barcode specification |
HIBC_AZTEC_PAS | Specifies that the data should be decoded with HIBC PAS Aztec barcode specification |
HIBC_CODE_128_LIC | Specifies that the data should be decoded with HIBC LIC Code128 barcode specification |
HIBC_CODE_128_PAS | Specifies that the data should be decoded with HIBC PAS Code128 barcode specification |
HIBC_CODE_39_LIC | Specifies that the data should be decoded with HIBC LIC Code39 barcode specification |
HIBC_CODE_39_PAS | Specifies that the data should be decoded with HIBC PAS Code39 barcode specification |
HIBC_DATA_MATRIX_LIC | Specifies that the data should be decoded with HIBC LIC DataMatrix barcode specification |
HIBC_DATA_MATRIX_PAS | Specifies that the data should be decoded with HIBC PAS DataMatrix barcode specification |
IATA_2_OF_5 | Specifies that the data should be decoded with IATA 2 of 5 barcode specification. |
INTERLEAVED_2_OF_5 | Specifies that the data should be decoded with INTERLEAVED 2 of 5 barcode specification |
ISBN | Specifies that the data should be decoded with ISBN barcode specification |
ISMN | Specifies that the data should be decoded with ISMN barcode specification |
ISSN | Specifies that the data should be decoded with ISSN barcode specification |
ITALIAN_POST_25 | Specifies that the data should be decoded with Italian Post 25 barcode specification |
ITF_14 | Specifies that the data should be decoded with ITF14 barcode specification |
ITF_6 | Specifies that the data should be decoded with ITF6 barcode specification |
MACRO_PDF_417 | Specifies that the data should be decoded with MacroPdf417 barcode specification |
MAILMARK | Specifies that the data should be decoded with Royal Mail Mailmark barcode specification. |
MATRIX_2_OF_5 | Specifies that the data should be decoded with Matrix 2 of 5 barcode specification |
MAXI_CODE | Specifies that the data should be decoded with MaxiCode barcode specification |
MICRO_PDF_417 | Specifies that the data should be decoded with MicroPdf417 barcode specification |
MICRO_QR | Specifies that the data should be decoded with MicroQR Code barcode specification |
MICR_E_13_B | Specifies that the data should be decoded with MICR E-13B barcode specification |
MOST_COMMON_TYPES | Specifies that data will be checked with most commonly used symbologies |
MSI | Specifies that the data should be decoded with MSI Plessey barcode specification |
NONE | Unspecified decode type. |
ONE_CODE | Specifies that the data should be decoded with USPS OneCode barcode specification |
OPC | Specifies that the data should be decoded with OPC barcode specification |
PATCH_CODE | Specifies that the data should be decoded with Patch code barcode specification. |
PDF_417 | Specifies that the data should be decoded with Pdf417 barcode symbology |
PHARMACODE | Specifies that the data should be decoded with Pharmacode barcode. |
PLANET | Specifies that the data should be decoded with Planet barcode specification |
POSTAL_TYPES | Specifies that data will be checked with all of 1.5D POSTAL barcode symbologies, like Planet, Postnet, AustraliaPost, OneCode, RM4SCC, DutchKIX |
POSTNET | Specifies that the data should be decoded with Postnet barcode specification |
PZN | Specifies that the data should be decoded with PZN barcode specification. |
QR | Specifies that the data should be decoded with QR Code barcode specification |
RECT_MICRO_QR | Specifies that the data should be decoded with RectMicroQR (rMQR) Code barcode specification |
RM_4_SCC | Specifies that the data should be decoded with RM4SCC barcode specification. |
SCC_14 | Specifies that the data should be decoded with SCC14 barcode specification |
SSCC_18 | Specifies that the data should be decoded with SSCC18 barcode specification |
STANDARD_2_OF_5 | Specifies that the data should be decoded with Standard 2 of 5 barcode specification |
SUPPLEMENT | Specifies that the data should be decoded with Supplement(EAN2, EAN5) barcode specification |
SWISS_POST_PARCEL | Specifies that the data should be decoded with Swiss Post Parcel Barcode barcode specification |
TYPES_1D | Specifies that data will be checked with all of 1D barcode symbologies |
TYPES_2D | Specifies that data will be checked with all of 2D barcode symbologies |
UPCA | Specifies that the data should be decoded with UPC-A barcode specification |
UPCE | Specifies that the data should be decoded with UPC-E barcode specification |
VIN | Specifies that the data should be decoded with VIN (Vehicle Identification Number) barcode specification |
Method | Description |
equals(Object arg0) | |
getAllSupportedTypesArray() | Gets an array that represents AllSupportedTypes |
getClass() | |
getNames() | Retrieves an array of the names of the decode types. |
hashCode() | |
is1D(BaseDecodeType symbology) | Determines if the specified BaseDecodeType contains any 1D barcode symbology |
is2D(BaseDecodeType symbology) | Determines if the specified BaseDecodeType contains any 2D barcode symbology |
isPostal(BaseDecodeType symbology) | Determines if the specified BaseDecodeType contains any Postal barcode symbology |
notify() | |
notifyAll() | |
parse(String parsingType) | Converts the string representation of a SingleDecodeType to its instance. |
parse(String parsingType, SingleDecodeType[] result) | Converts the string representation of a SingleDecodeType to its instance. |
scanSets(BaseDecodeType[] barcodeTypes) | Specify scan sets by barcodeTypes |
toString() | |
tryParseMultyDecodeType(String parsingType) | Converts the string representation of a MultyDecodeType to its instance. |
tryParseSingleDecodeType(String parsingType) | Converts the string representation of a SingleDecodeType to its instance. |
wait() | |
wait(long arg0) | |
wait(long arg0, int arg1) |
public DecodeType()
public static final MultyDecodeType ALL_SUPPORTED_TYPES
Specifies that data will be checked with all available symbologies
public static final SingleDecodeType AUSTRALIAN_POSTE_PARCEL
Specifies that the data should be decoded with Australian Post Domestic eParcel Barcode barcode specification
public static final SingleDecodeType AUSTRALIA_POST
Specifies that the data should be decoded with Australia Post barcode specification
public static final SingleDecodeType AZTEC
Specifies that the data should be decoded with Aztec barcode specification
public static final SingleDecodeType CODABAR
Specifies that the data should be decoded with CODABAR barcode specification
public static final SingleDecodeType CODABLOCK_F
Specifies that the data should be decoded with CodablockF barcode specification
public static final SingleDecodeType CODE_11
Specifies that the data should be decoded with CODE 11 barcode specification
public static final SingleDecodeType CODE_128
Specifies that the data should be decoded with CODE 128 barcode specification
public static final SingleDecodeType CODE_16_K
Specifies that the data should be decoded with SCode16K barcode specification
public static final SingleDecodeType CODE_32
Specifies that the data should be decoded with Code32 barcode specification
public static final SingleDecodeType CODE_39
Specifies that the data should be decoded with Code 39 basic charset barcode specification: ISO/IEC 16388
public static final SingleDecodeType CODE_39_FULL_ASCII
Specifies that the data should be decoded with Code 39 full ASCII charset barcode specification: ISO/IEC 16388
public static final SingleDecodeType CODE_93
Specifies that the data should be decoded with CODE 93 barcode specification
public static final SingleDecodeType COMPACT_PDF_417
Specifies that the data should be decoded with CompactPdf417 (Pdf417Truncated) barcode specification
public static final SingleDecodeType DATABAR_EXPANDED
Specifies that the data should be decoded with GS1 DATABAR expanded barcode specification
public static final SingleDecodeType DATABAR_EXPANDED_STACKED
Specifies that the data should be decoded with GS1 DATABAR expanded stacked barcode specification
public static final SingleDecodeType DATABAR_LIMITED
Specifies that the data should be decoded with GS1 DATABAR limited barcode specification
public static final SingleDecodeType DATABAR_OMNI_DIRECTIONAL
Specifies that the data should be decoded with GS1 DATABAR omni-directional barcode specification
public static final SingleDecodeType DATABAR_STACKED
Specifies that the data should be decoded with GS1 DATABAR stacked barcode specification
public static final SingleDecodeType DATABAR_STACKED_OMNI_DIRECTIONAL
Specifies that the data should be decoded with GS1 DATABAR stacked omni-directional barcode specification
public static final SingleDecodeType DATABAR_TRUNCATED
Specifies that the data should be decoded with GS1 DATABAR truncated barcode specification
public static final SingleDecodeType DATA_LOGIC_2_OF_5
Specifies that the data should be decoded with DataLogic 2 of 5 barcode specification
public static final SingleDecodeType DATA_MATRIX
Specifies that the data should be decoded with DataMatrix barcode symbology
public static final SingleDecodeType DEUTSCHE_POST_IDENTCODE
Specifies that the data should be decoded with DeutschePost Ident code barcode specification
public static final SingleDecodeType DEUTSCHE_POST_LEITCODE
Specifies that the data should be decoded with DeutschePost Leit code barcode specification
public static final SingleDecodeType DOT_CODE
Specifies that the data should be decoded with DotCode barcode specification
public static final SingleDecodeType DUTCH_KIX
Specifies that the data should be decoded with DotCode barcode specification
public static final SingleDecodeType EAN_13
Specifies that the data should be decoded with EAN-13 barcode specification
public static final SingleDecodeType EAN_14
Specifies that the data should be decoded with EAN14 barcode specification
public static final SingleDecodeType EAN_8
Specifies that the data should be decoded with EAN-8 barcode specification
public static final SingleDecodeType GS_1_AZTEC
Specifies that the data should be decoded with GS1 Aztec barcode specification
public static final SingleDecodeType GS_1_CODE_128
Specifies that the data should be decoded with GS1 CODE 128 barcode specification
public static final SingleDecodeType GS_1_COMPOSITE_BAR
Specifies that the data should be decoded with GS1 Composite Bar barcode specification
public static final SingleDecodeType GS_1_DATA_MATRIX
Specifies that the data should be decoded with GS1DataMatrix barcode symbology
public static final SingleDecodeType GS_1_DOT_CODE
Specifies that the data should be decoded with GS1 DotCode barcode specification
public static final SingleDecodeType GS_1_HAN_XIN
Specifies that the data should be decoded with GS1 Han Xin Code barcode specification
public static final SingleDecodeType GS_1_MICRO_PDF_417
Specifies that the data should be decoded with MicroPdf417 barcode specification
public static final SingleDecodeType GS_1_QR
Specifies that the data should be decoded with GS1 QR barcode specification
public static final SingleDecodeType HAN_XIN
Specifies that the data should be decoded with Han Xin Code barcode specification
public static final SingleDecodeType HIBCQRLIC
Specifies that the data should be decoded with HIBC LIC QR barcode specification
public static final SingleDecodeType HIBCQRPAS
Specifies that the data should be decoded with HIBC PAS QR barcode specification
public static final SingleDecodeType HIBC_AZTEC_LIC
Specifies that the data should be decoded with HIBC LIC Aztec barcode specification
public static final SingleDecodeType HIBC_AZTEC_PAS
Specifies that the data should be decoded with HIBC PAS Aztec barcode specification
public static final SingleDecodeType HIBC_CODE_128_LIC
Specifies that the data should be decoded with HIBC LIC Code128 barcode specification
public static final SingleDecodeType HIBC_CODE_128_PAS
Specifies that the data should be decoded with HIBC PAS Code128 barcode specification
public static final SingleDecodeType HIBC_CODE_39_LIC
Specifies that the data should be decoded with HIBC LIC Code39 barcode specification
public static final SingleDecodeType HIBC_CODE_39_PAS
Specifies that the data should be decoded with HIBC PAS Code39 barcode specification
public static final SingleDecodeType HIBC_DATA_MATRIX_LIC
Specifies that the data should be decoded with HIBC LIC DataMatrix barcode specification
public static final SingleDecodeType HIBC_DATA_MATRIX_PAS
Specifies that the data should be decoded with HIBC PAS DataMatrix barcode specification
public static final SingleDecodeType IATA_2_OF_5
Specifies that the data should be decoded with IATA 2 of 5 barcode specification. IATA (International Air Transport Association) uses this barcode for the management of air cargo.
public static final SingleDecodeType INTERLEAVED_2_OF_5
Specifies that the data should be decoded with INTERLEAVED 2 of 5 barcode specification
public static final SingleDecodeType ISBN
Specifies that the data should be decoded with ISBN barcode specification
public static final SingleDecodeType ISMN
Specifies that the data should be decoded with ISMN barcode specification
public static final SingleDecodeType ISSN
Specifies that the data should be decoded with ISSN barcode specification
public static final SingleDecodeType ITALIAN_POST_25
Specifies that the data should be decoded with Italian Post 25 barcode specification
public static final SingleDecodeType ITF_14
Specifies that the data should be decoded with ITF14 barcode specification
public static final SingleDecodeType ITF_6
Specifies that the data should be decoded with ITF6 barcode specification
public static final SingleDecodeType MACRO_PDF_417
Specifies that the data should be decoded with MacroPdf417 barcode specification
public static final SingleDecodeType MAILMARK
Specifies that the data should be decoded with Royal Mail Mailmark barcode specification.
public static final SingleDecodeType MATRIX_2_OF_5
Specifies that the data should be decoded with Matrix 2 of 5 barcode specification
public static final SingleDecodeType MAXI_CODE
Specifies that the data should be decoded with MaxiCode barcode specification
public static final SingleDecodeType MICRO_PDF_417
Specifies that the data should be decoded with MicroPdf417 barcode specification
public static final SingleDecodeType MICRO_QR
Specifies that the data should be decoded with MicroQR Code barcode specification
public static final SingleDecodeType MICR_E_13_B
Specifies that the data should be decoded with MICR E-13B barcode specification
public static final MultyDecodeType MOST_COMMON_TYPES
Specifies that data will be checked with most commonly used symbologies
public static final SingleDecodeType MSI
Specifies that the data should be decoded with MSI Plessey barcode specification
public static final SingleDecodeType NONE
Unspecified decode type.
public static final SingleDecodeType ONE_CODE
Specifies that the data should be decoded with USPS OneCode barcode specification
public static final SingleDecodeType OPC
Specifies that the data should be decoded with OPC barcode specification
public static final SingleDecodeType PATCH_CODE
Specifies that the data should be decoded with Patch code barcode specification. Barcode symbology is used for automated scanning
public static final SingleDecodeType PDF_417
Specifies that the data should be decoded with Pdf417 barcode symbology
public static final SingleDecodeType PHARMACODE
Specifies that the data should be decoded with Pharmacode barcode. This symbology is also known as Pharmaceutical BINARY Code
public static final SingleDecodeType PLANET
Specifies that the data should be decoded with Planet barcode specification
public static final MultyDecodeType POSTAL_TYPES
Specifies that data will be checked with all of 1.5D POSTAL barcode symbologies, like Planet, Postnet, AustraliaPost, OneCode, RM4SCC, DutchKIX
public static final SingleDecodeType POSTNET
Specifies that the data should be decoded with Postnet barcode specification
public static final SingleDecodeType PZN
Specifies that the data should be decoded with PZN barcode specification. This symbology is also known as Pharma Zentral Nummer. PZN7 and PZN8 are supported.
public static final SingleDecodeType QR
Specifies that the data should be decoded with QR Code barcode specification
public static final SingleDecodeType RECT_MICRO_QR
Specifies that the data should be decoded with RectMicroQR (rMQR) Code barcode specification
public static final SingleDecodeType RM_4_SCC
Specifies that the data should be decoded with RM4SCC barcode specification. RM4SCC (Royal Mail 4-state Customer Code) is used for automated mail sort process in UK.
public static final SingleDecodeType SCC_14
Specifies that the data should be decoded with SCC14 barcode specification
public static final SingleDecodeType SSCC_18
Specifies that the data should be decoded with SSCC18 barcode specification
public static final SingleDecodeType STANDARD_2_OF_5
Specifies that the data should be decoded with Standard 2 of 5 barcode specification
public static final SingleDecodeType SUPPLEMENT
Specifies that the data should be decoded with Supplement(EAN2, EAN5) barcode specification
public static final SingleDecodeType SWISS_POST_PARCEL
Specifies that the data should be decoded with Swiss Post Parcel Barcode barcode specification
public static final MultyDecodeType TYPES_1D
Specifies that data will be checked with all of 1D barcode symbologies
public static final MultyDecodeType TYPES_2D
Specifies that data will be checked with all of 2D barcode symbologies
public static final SingleDecodeType UPCA
Specifies that the data should be decoded with UPC-A barcode specification
public static final SingleDecodeType UPCE
Specifies that the data should be decoded with UPC-E barcode specification
public static final SingleDecodeType VIN
Specifies that the data should be decoded with VIN (Vehicle Identification Number) barcode specification
equals(Object arg0)
public boolean equals(Object arg0)
Parameter | Type | Description |
arg0 | java.lang.Object |
Returns: boolean
public static SingleDecodeType[] getAllSupportedTypesArray()
Gets an array that represents AllSupportedTypes
Returns: com.aspose.barcode.barcoderecognition.SingleDecodeType[]
public final native Class<?> getClass()
Returns: java.lang.Class
public static String[] getNames()
Retrieves an array of the names of the decode types.
Returns: java.lang.String[] - A string array of the names of the decode types.
public native int hashCode()
Returns: int
is1D(BaseDecodeType symbology)
public static boolean is1D(BaseDecodeType symbology)
Determines if the specified BaseDecodeType contains any 1D barcode symbology
Parameter | Type | Description |
symbology | BaseDecodeType | The BaseDecodeType to test. |
Returns: boolean - Returns true if BaseDecodeType contains any 1D barcode symbology; otherwise, returns false.
is2D(BaseDecodeType symbology)
public static boolean is2D(BaseDecodeType symbology)
Determines if the specified BaseDecodeType contains any 2D barcode symbology
Parameter | Type | Description |
symbology | BaseDecodeType | The BaseDecodeType to test. |
Returns: boolean - Returns true if BaseDecodeTypeddddddddw contains any 2D barcode symbology; otherwise, returns false.
isPostal(BaseDecodeType symbology)
public static boolean isPostal(BaseDecodeType symbology)
Determines if the specified BaseDecodeType contains any Postal barcode symbology
Parameter | Type | Description |
symbology | BaseDecodeType | The BaseDecodeType to test |
Returns: boolean - Returns true if BaseDecodeType contains any Postal barcode symbology; otherwise, returns false.
public final native void notify()
public final native void notifyAll()
parse(String parsingType)
public static SingleDecodeType parse(String parsingType)
Converts the string representation of a SingleDecodeType to its instance. A return value indicates whether the conversion succeeded or failed.
Parameter | Type | Description |
parsingType | java.lang.String | A string containing a SingleDecodeType representation to convert. |
Returns: SingleDecodeType - An actual SingleDecodeType returns, when conversion has completed successfully;
otherwise it returns indefinite type. or SingleDecodeType (-1, “NONE”).
parse(String parsingType, SingleDecodeType[] result)
public static boolean parse(String parsingType, SingleDecodeType[] result)
Converts the string representation of a SingleDecodeType to its instance. A return value indicates whether the conversion succeeded or failed.
Parameter | Type | Description |
parsingType | java.lang.String | A string containing a SingleDecodeType in the format as “EAN8” or “EAN13” or “CodaBar”… to convert. |
result | SingleDecodeType[] |
Returns: boolean - true if s was converted successfully; otherwise, false.
scanSets(BaseDecodeType[] barcodeTypes)
public static BaseDecodeType scanSets(BaseDecodeType[] barcodeTypes)
Specify scan sets by barcodeTypes
Parameter | Type | Description |
barcodeTypes | BaseDecodeType[] | Array of single and multy decode types |
Returns: BaseDecodeType - A multi decode type
public String toString()
Returns: java.lang.String
tryParseMultyDecodeType(String parsingType)
public static MultyDecodeType tryParseMultyDecodeType(String parsingType)
Converts the string representation of a MultyDecodeType to its instance. A return value indicates whether the conversion succeeded or failed.
Parameter | Type | Description |
parsingType | java.lang.String | A string in the format as either “AllSupportedTypes” or “EAN8,EAN13,CodaBar” to convert. |
Returns: MultyDecodeType - An actual MultyDecodeType is returned, when conversion has completed successfully; otherwise it returns indefinite type: new MultyDecodeType(DecodeType.None)
tryParseSingleDecodeType(String parsingType)
public static SingleDecodeType tryParseSingleDecodeType(String parsingType)
Converts the string representation of a SingleDecodeType to its instance. A return value indicates whether the conversion succeeded or failed.
Parameter | Type | Description |
parsingType | java.lang.String | A string containing a SingleDecodeType in the format as “EAN8” or “EAN13” or “CodaBar”… to convert. |
Returns: SingleDecodeType - An actual SingleDecodeType returns, when conversion has completed successfully; otherwise it returns indefinite type: DecodeType.None.
public final void wait()
wait(long arg0)
public final native void wait(long arg0)
Parameter | Type | Description |
arg0 | long |
wait(long arg0, int arg1)
public final void wait(long arg0, int arg1)
Parameter | Type | Description |
arg0 | long | |
arg1 | int |