
AddShape(Shape, string, int)

Adds shape created by master to specific page.

public long AddShape(Shape newShape, string masterName, int pageNumber)
newShapeShapeNew shape objectShape.
masterNameStringMaster’s name.
pageNumberInt32Index of page.

Return Value

The unique ID of the shape within shapes collection on the specified page.

See Also

AddShape(double, double, string, int)

Adds shape created by master on page with defined PinX and PinY.

public long AddShape(double pinX, double pinY, string masterName, int pageNumber)
pinXDoubleSpecifies the x-coordinate of the shape’s pin (center of rotation) in relation to the page.
pinYDoubleSpecifies the y-coordinate of the shape’s pin (center of rotation) in relation to the page.
masterNameStringMaster’s name.
pageNumberInt32Index of page.

Return Value

The unique ID of the shape within shapes collection on the specified page.

See Also

AddShape(double, double, double, double, string, int)

Adds shape created by master on page with defined PinX,PinY,Width and Height.

public long AddShape(double pinX, double pinY, double width, double height, string masterName, 
    int pageNumber)
pinXDoubleSpecifies the x-coordinate of the shape’s pin (center of rotation) in relation to the page.
pinYDoubleSpecifies the y-coordinate of the shape’s pin (center of rotation) in relation to the page.
widthDoubleSpecifies the width of the shape in inches.
heightDoubleSpecifies the height of the shape in inches.
masterNameStringMaster’s name.
pageNumberInt32Index of page.

Return Value

The unique ID of the shape within shapes collection on the specified page.

See Also