Class Bitmap

Bitmap class

Encapsulates a bitmap, which consists of the pixel data for a graphics image and its attributes. A Bitmap is an object used to work with images defined by pixel data.

public class Bitmap : Image


Bitmap(Image)Initializes a new instance of the Bitmap class from the specified existing image.
Bitmap(Stream)Initializes a new instance of the Bitmap class from the specified data stream.
Bitmap(string)Initializes a new instance of the Bitmap class from the specified file.
Bitmap(Image, Size)Initializes a new instance of the Bitmap class from the specified existing image, scaled to the specified size.
Bitmap(int, int)Initializes a new instance of the Bitmap class with the specified size.
Bitmap(Stream, bool)Initializes a new instance of the Bitmap class from the specified data stream.
Bitmap(string, bool)Initializes a new instance of the Bitmap class from the specified file.
Bitmap(Image, int, int)Initializes a new instance of the Bitmap class from the specified existing image, scaled to the specified size.
Bitmap(int, int, PixelFormat)Initializes a new instance of the Bitmap class with the specified size and format.
Bitmap(int, int, int, PixelFormat, int[])Initializes a new instance of the Bitmap class with the specified size and pixel data.


Flags { get; }Gets the integer representing a bitwise combination of ImageFlags for this Image.
override FrameDimensionsList { get; }Gets an array of GUIDs that represent the dimensions of frames within this Image.
override Height { get; }Gets the height, in pixels, of this Bitmap.
HorizontalResolution { get; }Gets the horizontal resolution, in pixels per inch, of this Image.
override Palette { get; set; }Gets or sets the color palette used for this Image.
PhysicalDimension { get; }Gets the width and height of this image.
override PixelFormat { get; }Gets the pixel format for this Image.
override PropertyIdList { get; }Gets IDs of the property items stored in this Image.
override PropertyItems { get; }Gets all the property items (pieces of metadata) stored in this Image.
override RawFormat { get; }Gets the file format of this Image.
Size { get; }Gets the width and height, in pixels, of this image.
Tag { get; set; }Gets or sets an object that provides additional data about the image.
VerticalResolution { get; }Gets the vertical resolution, in pixels per inch, of this Image.
override Width { get; }Gets the width, in pixels, of this Bitmap.


Clone()Creates an exact copy of this Image.
Clone(Rectangle, PixelFormat)Creates a copy of the section of this Bitmap defined by Rectangle structure and with a specified PixelFormat enumeration.
Clone(RectangleF, PixelFormat)Creates a copy of the section of this Bitmap defined with a specified PixelFormat enumeration.
virtual Dispose()Releases all resources used by this Image.
GetBounds(ref GraphicsUnit)Gets the bounds of the image in the specified unit.
GetFrameCount(FrameDimension)Returns the number of frames of the specified dimension.
GetPixel(int, int)Gets the color of the specified pixel in this Bitmap.
override GetPropertyItem(int)Gets the specified property item from this Image.
GetThumbnailImage(int, int, GetThumbnailImageAbort, IntPtr)Returns a thumbnail for this Image.
LockBits(Rectangle, ImageLockMode, PixelFormat)Locks a Bitmap into system memory.
MakeTransparent()Makes the specified color transparent for this Bitmap.
MakeTransparent(Color)Makes the specified color transparent for this Bitmap.
ReadArgb32Pixels(int[])Reads bitmap pixels in ARGB32 format into given array.
override RemovePropertyItem(int)Removes the specified property item from this Image.
override RotateFlip(RotateFlipType)This method rotates, flips, or rotates and flips the Image.
Save(string)Saves this Image to the specified file or stream.
Save(Stream, ImageFormat)Saves this image to the specified stream in the specified format.
Save(string, ImageFormat)Saves this Image to the specified file in the specified format.
Save(Stream, ImageCodecInfo, EncoderParameters)Saves this image to the specified stream, with the specified encoder and image encoder parameters.
Save(string, ImageCodecInfo, EncoderParameters)Saves this Image to the specified file, with the specified encoder and image-encoder parameters.
SaveAdd(EncoderParameters)Adds a frame to the file or stream specified in a previous call to the one of Image.Save(…) methods. Use this method to save selected frames from a multiple-frame image to another multiple-frame image.
SaveAdd(Image, EncoderParameters)Adds a frame to the file or stream specified in a previous call to the one of Image.Save(…) methods.
SelectActiveFrame(FrameDimension, int)Selects the frame specified by the dimension and index.
SetPixel(int, int, Color)Sets the color of the specified pixel in this Bitmap.
override SetPropertyItem(PropertyItem)Stores a property item (piece of metadata) in this Image.
SetResolution(float, float)Sets the resolution for this Bitmap.
UnlockBits(BitmapData)Unlocks this Bitmap from system memory.
WriteArgb32Pixels(int[])Writes pixels to the bitmap.

See Also