Class GpxOptions

GpxOptions class

Driver-specific options for GPX format.

public class GpxOptions : DriverOptions


GpxOptions()Create new instance.


CloseLinearRing { get; set; }Determines if close a unclosed LinearRing in each geometry. Defaults to false.
CreateMidpoints { get; set; }Determines if add a new point in the middle to each segment of geometry. Defaults to false.
DeleteNearPoints { get; set; }Determines if delete near points in each geometry. Defaults to false.
DeleteNearPointsDistance { get; set; }Determines distance for DeleteNearPoints. Defaults to 0.
LinearizationTolerance { get; set; }A tolerance to use to linearize curve geometries.
MAttribute { get; set; }Determines which GPX attribute will be exported as ‘M’ coordinate of waypoints, route points and track points. Behavior is same with ZAttribute, defaults to null.
MPrecisionModel { get; set; }A PrecisionModel that will be applied to M coordinate when geometries are added to the VectorLayer or when they are read from the VectorLayer. The default value is Exact.
NestedAttributeSeparator { get; }A string to separate nested attribute name and its indexes. Defaults to double underscore “__”.
ReadNestedAttributes { get; set; }Determines if GPX points, such as ’trkpt’ and ‘rtept’, contain inner attributes and if it should be read. Defaults to false.
SimplifySegments { get; set; }Determines if delete points lying on the same segment in each geometry. Defaults to false.
SimplifySegmentsDistance { get; set; }Determines distance for SimplifySegments. Defaults to 0.
ValidateGeometriesOnWrite { get; set; }Determines if geometries should be validated when they are added to the layer. If set to true, IsValid is called for each geometry when it’s added to the layer, and if validation fails (IsValid is false), GisException is thrown.
WritePolygonsAsLines { get; set; }Determines if transformation of polygon or multipolygon to linestring is allowed. Defaults to false.
XYPrecisionModel { get; set; }A PrecisionModel that will be applied to X and Y coordinates when geometries are added to the VectorLayer or when they are read from the VectorLayer. The default value is Exact.
ZAttribute { get; set; }Determines which GPX attribute will be exported as ‘Z’ coordinate of waypoints, route points and track points. If null - no attribute will be exported as ‘Z’ coordinate. Defaults to “ele”. Possible values are names of all GPX XML attribute that can be represented as double (e.g. “speed”, “magvar”, “geoidheight” etc.)
ZPrecisionModel { get; set; }A PrecisionModel that will be applied to Z coordinate when geometries are added to the VectorLayer or when they are read from the VectorLayer. The default value is Exact.

See Also