Class GeographicDatum
]GeographicDatum class
Geographic datum relates longitude and latitude to particular place on earth.
public class GeographicDatum : IdentifiableObject
Name | Description |
GeographicDatum(string, Ellipsoid, BursaWolfParameters, Identifier) | Creates new instance. |
Name | Description |
static Etrs89 { get; } | ETRS 89 datum. |
static Nad83 { get; } | NAD 83 datum. |
static Osgb36 { get; } | OSGB 1936 datum. |
static Wgs72 { get; } | WGS 72 datum. |
static Wgs84 { get; } | WGS 84 datum. |
Ellipsoid { get; } | Ellipsoid, used in this datum to approximate Earth. |
EpsgCode { get; } | If this objects identifier is EPSG identifier - return its code. Otherwise - return -1. |
Identifier { get; } | Identifier of this identifiable object. |
Name { get; } | Name of this object. |
ToWgs84Parameters { get; } | BursaWolfParamters that can be used to transform coordinates in this datum to coordinates in WGS84 datum. |
Name | Description |
IsEquivalent(GeographicDatum) | Determines if two datums are equivalent. Same coordinates of equivalent datums match same place on Earth. Some parameters of equivalent datums can be different, for example Name . |
override ToString() | Returns a string that represents the current object. |
static IsEquivalent(GeographicDatum, GeographicDatum) | Determines if two datums are equivalent. Same coordinates of equivalent datums match same place on Earth. Some parameters of equivalent datums can be different, for example Name . |
See Also
- class IdentifiableObject
- namespace Aspose.Gis.SpatialReferencing
- assembly Aspose.GIS