Class GeographicDatum

GeographicDatum class

Geographic datum relates longitude and latitude to particular place on earth.

public class GeographicDatum : IdentifiableObject


GeographicDatum(string, Ellipsoid, BursaWolfParameters, Identifier)Creates new instance.


static Etrs89 { get; }ETRS 89 datum.
static Nad83 { get; }NAD 83 datum.
static Osgb36 { get; }OSGB 1936 datum.
static Wgs72 { get; }WGS 72 datum.
static Wgs84 { get; }WGS 84 datum.
Ellipsoid { get; }Ellipsoid, used in this datum to approximate Earth.
EpsgCode { get; }If this objects identifier is EPSG identifier - return its code. Otherwise - return -1.
Identifier { get; }Identifier of this identifiable object.
Name { get; }Name of this object.
ToWgs84Parameters { get; }BursaWolfParamters that can be used to transform coordinates in this datum to coordinates in WGS84 datum.


IsEquivalent(GeographicDatum)Determines if two datums are equivalent. Same coordinates of equivalent datums match same place on Earth. Some parameters of equivalent datums can be different, for example Name.
override ToString()Returns a string that represents the current object.
static IsEquivalent(GeographicDatum, GeographicDatum)Determines if two datums are equivalent. Same coordinates of equivalent datums match same place on Earth. Some parameters of equivalent datums can be different, for example Name.

See Also