
The com.aspose.xps is a root package for all classes that deal with XPS document.


DocumentUtilsThis class provides utilities beyond the formal XPS manipulation API.
LoadOptionsBasic class for document loading options.
Size2DThe Size2D class describes dimensions (w x h) .
Size2D.FloatThe Float class defines dimensions specified in float coordinates.
XpsArcSegmentClass incapsulating ArcSegment element features.
XpsArrayClass incapsulating common XPS model array object features.
XpsBrushClass incapsulating common features of all brush elements.
XpsCanvasClass incapsulating Canvas element features.
XpsColorThe base class incapsulating common color features.
XpsContentElementIncapsulates features of XPS content elements: Canvas, Path and Glyphs.
XpsDocumentClass incapsulating the main entity of XPS document that provides manipulation methods for any XPS element.
XpsElementClass incapsulating common XPS element features.
XpsElementLinkTargetClass incapsulating the relative named-address hyperlink target.
XpsExternalLinkTargetClass incapsulating the external hyperlink target.
XpsFileResourceClass incapsulating common features of all file resources.
XpsFontClass incapsulating a TrueType font resource.
XpsGlyphsClass incapsulating Glyphs element features.
XpsGradientBrushClass incapsulating common features of LinerGradientBrush and RadialGradientBrush elements.
XpsGradientStopClass incapsulating GradientStop element features.
XpsHyperlinkElementIncapsulates common features of XPS elements that can be a hyperlink.
XpsHyperlinkTargetBase class for a hyperlink target.
XpsIccBasedColorIncapsulates ICC based color.
XpsIccProfileClass incapsulating an ICC profile resource.
XpsImageClass incapsulating an image resource.
XpsImageBrushClass incapsulating ImageBrush property element features.
XpsLinearGradientBrushClass incapsulating LinearGradientBrush property element features.
XpsLoadOptionsXPS document loading options.
XpsMatrixClass incapsulating MatrixTransform property element features.
XpsObjectClass incapsulating common XPS model object features.
XpsPageClass incapsulating FixedPage element features.
XpsPageLinkTargetClass incapsulating the page hyperlink target.
XpsPathClass incapsulating Path element features.
XpsPathFigureClass incapsulating PathFigure element features.
XpsPathGeometryClass incapsulating PathGeometry property element features.
XpsPathPolySegmentClass incapsulating common features of PolyLineSegment, PolyB?zierSegment and PolyQuadraticB?zierSegment elements.
XpsPathSegmentClass incapsulating common features of all path segment elements.
XpsPolyBezierSegmentClass incapsulating PolyBezierSegment element features.
XpsPolyLineSegmentClass incapsulating PolyLineSegment element features.
XpsPolyQuadraticBezierSegmentClass incapsulating PolyQuadraticBezierSegment element features.
XpsRadialGradientBrushClass incapsulating RadialGradientBrush property element features.
XpsRgbColorIncapsulates RGB color of any color space (sRGB or scRGB).
XpsSolidColorBrushClass incapsulating SolidColorBrush property element features.
XpsTilingBrushClass incapsulating common features of tiling brushes elements (VisualBrush and ImageBrush).
XpsTransformableBrushClass incapsulating common features of transformable brushes elements (all except SolidColorBrush).
XpsVisualClass incapsulating Visual element features.
XpsVisualBrushClass incapsulating VisualBrush property element features.


ImageModeLists options of fitting image within a box.
XpsColorInterpolationModeValid values of gradient brushes’ ColorInterpolationMode property.
XpsDashCapValid values of Path element’s StrokeDashCap property.
XpsEdgeModeValid values of Canvas element’s RenderOptions.EdgeMode property.
XpsFillRuleValid values of PathGeometry element’s FillRule property.
XpsFontStyleValid values for font styles.
XpsLineCapValid values of Path element’s StrokeStartLineCap and StrokeEndLineCap properties.
XpsLineJoinValid values of Path element’s StrokeLineJoin property.
XpsSpreadMethodValid values of gradient brushes’ SpreadMethod property.
XpsStyleSimulationsValid values of Glyphs element’s StyleSimulations property.
XpsSweepDirectionValid values of ArcSegment element’s SweepDirection property.
XpsTileModeValid values of tiling brushes’ TileMode property.