Class PageAPI

PageAPI class

The Page element modification API.

public class PageAPI : IModificationAPI


Height { get; set; }Returns/sets the height of the page, expressed as a real number in units of the effective coordinate space.
PageCount { get; }Returns the number of pages in the active document.
TotalPageCount { get; }Returns the total number of pages in all documents inside XPS document.
Utils { get; }Gets the object that provides utilities beyond the formal XPS manipulation API.
Width { get; set; }Returns/sets the width of the page, expressed as a real number in units of the effective coordinate space.


Add<T>(T)Adds a content element (Canvas, Path, or Glyphs).
AddCanvas()Adds a new canvas to the page.
AddGlyphs(XpsFont, float, float, float, string)Adds new glyphs to the page.
AddGlyphs(string, float, FontStyle, float, float, string)Adds new glyphs to the page.
AddOutlineEntry(string, int, int)Adds an outline entry to the document.
AddPath(XpsPathGeometry)Adds a new path to the page.
CreateArcSegment(PointF, SizeF, float, bool, XpsSweepDirection, bool)Creates a new elliptical arc segment.
CreateCanvas()Creates a new canvas.
CreateColor(Color)Creates a new color.
CreateColor(string, params float[])Creates a new color in ICC based color space.
CreateColor(XpsIccProfile, params float[])Creates a new color in ICC based color space.
CreateColor(float, float, float)Creates a new color in scRGB color space.
CreateColor(int, int, int)Creates a new color in sRGB color space.
CreateColor(float, float, float, float)Creates a new color in scRGB color space.
CreateColor(int, int, int, int)Creates a new color in sRGB color space.
CreateGlyphs(XpsFont, float, float, float, string)Creates new glyphs.
CreateGlyphs(string, float, FontStyle, float, float, string)Creates new glyphs.
CreateGradientStop(Color, float)Creates a new gradient stop.
CreateGradientStop(XpsColor, float)Creates a new gradient stop.
CreateImageBrush(string, RectangleF, RectangleF)Creates a new image brush.
CreateImageBrush(XpsImage, RectangleF, RectangleF)Creates a new image brush.
CreateLinearGradientBrush(PointF, PointF)Creates a new linear gradient brush.
CreateLinearGradientBrush(List<XpsGradientStop>, PointF, PointF)Creates a new linear gradient brush.
CreateMatrix(float, float, float, float, float, float)Creates a new affine transformation matrix.
CreatePath(XpsPathGeometry)Creates a new path.
CreatePathFigure(PointF, bool)Creates a new path figure.
CreatePathFigure(PointF, List<XpsPathSegment>, bool)Creates a new path figure.
CreatePathGeometry()Creates a new path geometry.
CreatePathGeometry(List<XpsPathFigure>)Creates a new path geometry with specified list of path figures.
CreatePathGeometry(string)Creates a new path geometry specified with abbreviated form.
CreatePolyBezierSegment(PointF[], bool)Creates a new set of cubic Bézier curves.
CreatePolyLineSegment(PointF[], bool)Creates a new polygonal drawing containing an arbitrary number of individual vertices.
CreatePolyQuadraticBezierSegment(PointF[], bool)Creates a new set of quadratic Bézier curves from the previous point in the path figure through a set of vertices, using specified control points.
CreateRadialGradientBrush(PointF, PointF, float, float)Creates a new radial gradient brush.
CreateRadialGradientBrush(List<XpsGradientStop>, PointF, PointF, float, float)Creates a new radial gradient brush.
CreateSolidColorBrush(Color)Creates a new solid color brush.
CreateSolidColorBrush(XpsColor)Creates a new solid color brush.
CreateVisualBrush(XpsContentElement, RectangleF, RectangleF)Creates a new visual brush.
Insert<T>(int, T)Inserts an element (Canvas, Path, or Glyphs) to the page at index position.
InsertCanvas(int)Inserts a new canvas to the page at index position.
InsertGlyphs(int, XpsFont, float, float, float, string)Inserts new glyphs to the page at index position.
InsertGlyphs(int, string, float, FontStyle, float, float, string)Inserts new glyphs to the page at index position.
InsertPath(int, XpsPathGeometry)Inserts a new path to the page at index position.
Remove<T>(T)Removes an element from the page.
RemoveAt(int)Removes an element at index position from the page.

See Also