
PageAPI.CreateArcSegment method

Creates a new elliptical arc segment.

public XpsArcSegment CreateArcSegment(PointF point, SizeF size, float rotationAngle, 
    bool isLargeArc, XpsSweepDirection sweepDirection, bool isStroked = true)
pointPointFThe endpoint of the elliptical arc.
sizeSizeFThe x and y radius of the elliptical arc as an x,y pair.
rotationAngleSingleIndicates how the ellipse is rotated relative to the current coordinate system.
isLargeArcBooleanDetermines whether the arc is drawn with a sweep of 180 or greater.
sweepDirectionXpsSweepDirectionThe direction in which the arc is drawn.
isStrokedBooleanSpecifies whether the stroke for this segment of the path is drawn.

Return Value

New elliptical arc segment.

See Also