
InsertGlyphs(int, string, float, FontStyle, float, float, string)

Inserts new glyphs to the page at index position.

public XpsGlyphs InsertGlyphs(int index, string fontFamily, float fontSize, FontStyle fontStyle, 
    float originX, float originY, string unicodeString)
indexInt32Position at which new glyphs should be inserted.
fontFamilyStringFont family.
fontSizeSingleFont size.
fontStyleFontStyleFont style.
originXSingleGlyphs origin X coordinate.
originYSingleGlyphs origin Y coordinate.
unicodeStringStringString to be printed.

Return Value

Inserted glyphs.

See Also

InsertGlyphs(int, XpsFont, float, float, float, string)

Inserts new glyphs to the page at index position.

public XpsGlyphs InsertGlyphs(int index, XpsFont font, float fontSize, float originX, 
    float originY, string unicodeString)
indexInt32Position at which new glyphs should be inserted.
fontXpsFontFont resource.
fontSizeSingleFont size.
originXSingleGlyphs origin X coordinate.
originYSingleGlyphs origin Y coordinate.
unicodeStringStringString to be printed.

Return Value

Inserted glyphs.

See Also