]RectangleF class
Represents a rectangular area of an image defined as single-precision floating point X and Y coordinates of its upper left corner and its width and height. This type should be allocated on stack and passed to functions by value or by reference. Never use System::SmartPtr class to manage objects of this type.
class RectangleF
Method | Description |
bool Contains(float, float) | Determines if the specified point is located within the rectangle represented by the current object. |
bool Contains(const PointF&) | Determines if the specified point is located within the rectangle represented by the current object. |
bool Contains(const RectangleF&) | Determines if the specified rectangle is located within the rectangle represented by the current object. |
bool Equals(const RectangleF&) const | Determines if the rectangles represented by the current and the specified objects are identical. |
static RectangleF FromLTRB(float, float, float, float) | Constructs a new RectangleF object that represents a rectangle with the specified edge locations. |
float get_Bottom() const | Returns the y coordinate of the bottom edge of the rectangle represented by the current object. |
float get_Height() const | Returns the height of the rectangle represented by the current object. |
bool get_IsEmpty() const | Determines if X and Y coordinates of the upper left corner of the recangle represented by the current object as well as its width and height have values of 0. |
float get_Left() const | Returns the X coordinate of the left edge of the rectangle represented by the current object. |
PointF get_Location() const | Returns an instance of the PointF class that specifies the location of the upper left corner of the rectangle represented by the current object. |
float get_Right() const | Returns the X coordinate of the right edge of the rectangle represented by the current object. |
SizeF get_Size() const | Returns an instance of the SizeF class that specifies the width and height of the rectangle represented by the current object. |
float get_Top() const | Returns the Y coordinate of the top edge of the rectangle represented by the current object. |
float get_Width() const | Returns the width of the rectangle represented by the current object. |
float get_X() const | Returns the X coordinate of the upper left corner of the rectangle represented by the current object. |
float get_Y() const | Returns the Y coordinate of the upper left corner of the rectangle represented by the current object. |
int GetHashCode() const | Returns a hash code of the current object. |
void Inflate(float, float) | Increases the width and height of the rectangle represented by the current object, maintaining the location of the geometrical center of the rectangle. The width and height are increased in both directions by the specified amounts. |
void Inflate(const SizeF&) | Increases the width and height of the rectangle represented by the current object, maintaining the location of the geometrical center of the rectangle. The width and height are increased in both directions by the amounts specified by width and height values of the specified size object correspondingly. |
static RectangleF Inflate(const RectangleF&, float, float) | Increases the width and height of the rectangle represented by the specified object, maintaining the location of the geometrical center of the rectangle. The width and height are increased in both directions by the specified amounts. |
void Intersect(const RectangleF&) | Replaces the rectangle represented by the current object with the rectangle that results from the its intersection with the rectangle represented by the specified object. |
static RectangleF Intersect(const RectangleF&, const RectangleF&) | Returns a rectangle that is a result of intersection of the specified rectangles. |
bool IntersectsWith(const RectangleF&) | Determines if the rectangles represented by the current and specified objects intesect. |
void Offset(const PointF&) | Offsets the position of the rectangle represented by the current object by the specified amounts. |
void Offset(float, float) | Offsets the position of the rectangle represented by the current object by the specified amounts. |
bool operator!=(std::nullptr_t) const | Always returns true. |
bool operator==(std::nullptr_t) const | Always returns false. |
RectangleF() | Constructs a new instance of RectangleF object that represents a rectangle with X and Y coordinates and width and hegiht values set to 0. |
RectangleF(float, float, float, float) | Constructs a new instance of RectangleF object that represents a rectangle with the specified coordinates of its upper left corner and width and height. |
RectangleF(const PointF&, const SizeF&) | Constructs a new instance of RectangleF object that represents a rectangle with the coordinates of its upper left corner specified as an instance of PointF class and its width and height as an instance of SizeF class. |
explicit RectangleF(const Rectangle&) | Constructs a new instance of RectangleF object that represents the rectangle equivalent to the specified one. |
void set_Height(float) | Sets the height of the rectangle represented by the current object. |
void set_Location(PointF) | Sets the location of the upper left corner of the rectangle represented by the current object. |
void set_Size(SizeF) | Sets the width and height of the rectangle represented by the current object. |
void set_Width(float) | Sets the width of the rectangle represented by the current object. |
void set_X(float) | Sets the X coordinate of the upper left corner of the rectangle represented by the current object. |
void set_Y(float) | Sets the Y coordinate of the upper left corner of the rectangle represented by the current object. |
System::String ToString() const | Returns the string representation of the current object. |
static RectangleF Union(const RectangleF&, const RectangleF&) | Returns a rectangle that is a result of union of the specified rectangles. |
Field | Description |
static Empty | An empty rectangle i.e. a rectangle whose location and size values have zero values. |
See Also
- Namespace System::Drawing
- Library Aspose.Slides