
Socket class

The Socket class implements the Berkeley sockets interface.

class Socket : public System::IDisposable


System::SharedPtr<Socket> Accept()Creates a new socket for the newly created connection.
System::SharedPtr<IAsyncResult> BeginConnect(System::SharedPtr<EndPoint>, AsyncCallback, System::SharedPtr<Object>)Initiates an asynchronous connect operation.
System::SharedPtr<IAsyncResult> BeginConnect(String, int32_t, AsyncCallback, System::SharedPtr<Object>)Initiates an asynchronous connect operation.
System::SharedPtr<IAsyncResult> BeginConnect(System::SharedPtr<IPAddress>, int32_t, AsyncCallback, System::SharedPtr<Object>)Initiates an asynchronous connect operation.
System::SharedPtr<IAsyncResult> BeginConnect(System::ArrayPtr<System::SharedPtr<IPAddress>>, int32_t, AsyncCallback, System::SharedPtr<Object>)Initiates an asynchronous connect operation.
System::SharedPtr<IAsyncResult> BeginReceive(System::ArrayPtr<uint8_t>, int32_t, int32_t, SocketFlags, AsyncCallback, System::SharedPtr<Object>)Initiates an asynchronous write operation.
System::SharedPtr<IAsyncResult> BeginSend(System::ArrayPtr<uint8_t>, int32_t, int32_t, SocketFlags, AsyncCallback, System::SharedPtr<Object>)Initiates an asynchronous send operation.
void Bind(System::SharedPtr<EndPoint>)Binds the socket with to the specified local endpoint.
void Close()Closes the socket connection.
void Close(int)Closes the socket connection with the specified timeout to allow queued data to be sent.
void Connect(System::SharedPtr<EndPoint>)Establishes a connection to the specified remote endpoint.
void Connect(System::SharedPtr<IPAddress>, int32_t)Establishes a connection to the specified remote endpoint.
void Connect(String, int32_t)Establishes a connection to the specified remote endpoint.
void Connect(System::ArrayPtr<System::SharedPtr<IPAddress>>, int32_t)Establishes a connection to the specified remote endpoint.
void Dispose() overrideDoes nothing.
void EndConnect(System::SharedPtr<IAsyncResult>)Waits until the specified asynchronous connect operation completes.
int32_t EndReceive(System::SharedPtr<IAsyncResult>)Waits until the specified asynchronous receive operation completes.
int32_t EndReceive(System::SharedPtr<IAsyncResult>, SocketError&)Waits until the specified asynchronous receive operation completes.
int32_t EndSend(System::SharedPtr<IAsyncResult>)Waits until the specified asynchronous send operation completes.
int32_t EndSend(System::SharedPtr<IAsyncResult>, SocketError&)Waits until the specified asynchronous send operation completes.
virtual bool Equals(ptr)Compares objects using C# Object.Equals semantics.
static std::enable_if<IsSmartPtr<T1>::value&&IsSmartPtr<T2>::value, bool>::type Equals(T1 const&, T2 const&)Compares reference type objects in C# style.
static std::enable_if<!IsSmartPtr<T1>::value&&!IsSmartPtr<T2>::value, bool>::type Equals(T1 const&, T2 const&)Compares value type objects in C# style.
static bool Equals(float const&, float const&)Emulates C#-style floating point comparison where two NaNs are considered equal even though according to IEC 60559:1989 NaN is not equal to any value, including NaN.
static bool Equals(double const&, double const&)Emulates C#-style floating point comparison where two NaNs are considered equal even though according to IEC 60559:1989 NaN is not equal to any value, including NaN.
virtual bool FastCast(const Details::FastRttiBase&, void **) constFor internal purposes only.
System::Net::Sockets::AddressFamily get_AddressFamily()Returns the address family.
int32_t get_Available()Gets the number of bytes received from the network and available for reading.
bool get_Blocking()Gets a value that indicates if the socket is in the blocking mode.
bool get_Connected()Returns a value that indicates if the socket is connected to the remote host.
bool get_DontFragment()Gets a value that indicates if the socket allows IP datagrams to be fragmented.
bool get_DualMode()Gets a value indicates if the socket is in the dual-mode.
bool get_EnableBroadcast()Gets a value that indicates if the socket allows broadcast packets.
bool get_ExclusiveAddressUse()Gets a value that indicates if only one process can bind the socket to a port.
bool get_IsBound()Returns a value that indicates if the socket is bound to a specific local port.
System::SharedPtr<LingerOption> get_LingerState()Gets a value that indicates if the socket will delay closing in an attempt to send all pending data.
System::SharedPtr<EndPoint> get_LocalEndPoint()Returns the local endpoint.
bool get_MulticastLoopback()Gets a value that indicates if the socket receives outgoing multicast packets.
bool get_NoDelay()Gets a value that indicates if the socket is using the Nagle algorithm.
static bool get_OSSupportsIPv4()Returns a value that indicates if the operating system and network adaptors support IPv4.
static bool get_OSSupportsIPv6()Returns a value that indicates if the operating system and network adaptors support IPv6.
System::Net::Sockets::ProtocolType get_ProtocolType()Returns the protocol type.
int32_t get_ReceiveBufferSize()Gets the receive buffer size.
int32_t get_ReceiveTimeout()Gets a period after which a ‘Receive’ call will time out.
System::SharedPtr<EndPoint> get_RemoteEndPoint()Returns the remote endpoint.
int32_t get_SendBufferSize()Gets the send buffer size.
int32_t get_SendTimeout()Gets a period after which a ‘Send’ call will time out.
System::Net::Sockets::SocketType get_SocketType()Returns the socket type.
static bool get_SupportsIPv4()Returns a value that indicates if the current host supports IPv4.
int16_t get_Ttl()Gets the TTL value.
Detail::SmartPtrCounter * GetCounter()Gets reference counter data structure associated with the object.
virtual int32_t GetHashCode() constAnalog of C# Object.GetHashCode() method. Enables hashing of custom objects.
ImplPtr GetImpl() constReturns a pointer to implementation.
System::SharedPtr<Object> GetSocketOption(SocketOptionLevel, SocketOptionName)Returns the value that corresponds to the specified option name.
void GetSocketOption(SocketOptionLevel, SocketOptionName, System::ArrayPtr<uint8_t>)Gets the value that corresponds to the specified option name.
System::ArrayPtr<uint8_t> GetSocketOption(SocketOptionLevel, SocketOptionName, int32_t)Returns the value that corresponds to the specified option name.
virtual const TypeInfo& GetType() constGets actual type of object. Analog of C# System.Object.GetType() call.
int32_t IOControl(int32_t, System::ArrayPtr<uint8_t>, System::ArrayPtr<uint8_t>)Sets low-level operating modes for the socket.
int32_t IOControl(IOControlCode, System::ArrayPtr<uint8_t>, System::ArrayPtr<uint8_t>)Sets low-level operating modes for the socket.
virtual bool Is(const TypeInfo&) constCheck if object represents an instance of type described by targetType. Analog of C# ‘is’ operator.
void Listen(int32_t)Changes the socket state to ’listen’.
void Lock()Implements C# lock() statement locking. Call directly or use LockContext sentry object.
virtual ptr MemberwiseClone() constAnalog of C# Object.MemberwiseClone() method. Enables cloning custom types.
Object()Creates object. Initializes all internal data structures.
Object(Object const&)Copy constructor. Doesn’t copy anything, really, just initializes new object and enables copy constructing subclasses.
Object& operator=(Object const&)Assignment operator. Doesn’t copy anything, really, just initializes new object and enables copy constructing subclasses.
bool Poll(int32_t, SelectMode)Returns the status of the socket based on the specified polling mode.
int32_t Receive(System::ArrayPtr<uint8_t>, int32_t, SocketFlags)Receives data from the socket and writes it to the specified byte array.
int32_t Receive(System::Details::ArrayView<uint8_t>, int32_t, SocketFlags)Receives data from the socket and writes it to the specified byte array.
int32_t Receive(System::Details::StackArray<uint8_t, N>&, int32_t, SocketFlags)Receives data from the socket and writes it to the specified byte array.
int32_t Receive(System::ArrayPtr<uint8_t>, SocketFlags)Receives data from the socket and writes it to the specified byte array.
int32_t Receive(System::Details::ArrayView<uint8_t>, SocketFlags)Receives data from the socket and writes it to the specified byte array.
int32_t Receive(System::Details::StackArray<uint8_t, N>&, SocketFlags)Receives data from the socket and writes it to the specified byte array.
int32_t Receive(System::ArrayPtr<uint8_t>)Receives data from the socket and writes it to the specified byte array.
int32_t Receive(System::Details::ArrayView<uint8_t>)Receives data from the socket and writes it to the specified byte array.
int32_t Receive(System::Details::StackArray<uint8_t, N>&)Receives data from the socket and writes it to the specified byte array.
int32_t Receive(System::ArrayPtr<uint8_t>, int32_t, int32_t, SocketFlags)Receives data from the socket and writes it to the specified byte array.
int32_t Receive(System::Details::ArrayView<uint8_t>, int32_t, int32_t, SocketFlags)Receives data from the socket and writes it to the specified byte array.
int32_t Receive(System::Details::StackArray<uint8_t, N>&, int32_t, int32_t, SocketFlags)Receives data from the socket and writes it to the specified byte array.
int32_t Receive(System::ArrayPtr<uint8_t>, int32_t, int32_t, SocketFlags, SocketError&)Receives data from the socket and writes it to the specified byte array.
int32_t Receive(System::Details::ArrayView<uint8_t>, int32_t, int32_t, SocketFlags, SocketError&)Receives data from the socket and writes it to the specified byte array.
int32_t Receive(System::Details::StackArray<uint8_t, N>&, int32_t, int32_t, SocketFlags, SocketError&)Receives data from the socket and writes it to the specified byte array.
int32_t Receive(System::SharedPtr<Collections::Generic::IList<ArraySegment<uint8_t>>>)Receives data from the socket and writes it to the specified byte arrays.
int32_t Receive(System::SharedPtr<Collections::Generic::IList<ArraySegment<uint8_t>>>, SocketFlags)Receives data from the socket and writes it to the specified byte arrays.
int32_t Receive(System::SharedPtr<Collections::Generic::IList<ArraySegment<uint8_t>>>, SocketFlags, SocketError&)Receives data from the socket and writes it to the specified byte arrays.
int32_t ReceiveFrom(System::ArrayPtr<uint8_t>, int32_t, int32_t, SocketFlags, System::SharedPtr<EndPoint>&)Receives data from the specified endpoint and writes it to the specified byte array.
int32_t ReceiveFrom(System::Details::ArrayView<uint8_t>, int32_t, int32_t, SocketFlags, System::SharedPtr<EndPoint>&)Receives data from the specified endpoint and writes it to the specified byte array.
int32_t ReceiveFrom(System::Details::StackArray<uint8_t, N>&, int32_t, int32_t, SocketFlags, System::SharedPtr<EndPoint>&)Receives data from the specified endpoint and writes it to the specified byte array.
int32_t ReceiveFrom(System::ArrayPtr<uint8_t>, int32_t, SocketFlags, System::SharedPtr<EndPoint>&)Receives data from the specified endpoint and writes it to the specified byte array.
int32_t ReceiveFrom(System::Details::ArrayView<uint8_t>, int32_t, SocketFlags, System::SharedPtr<EndPoint>&)Receives data from the specified endpoint and writes it to the specified byte array.
int32_t ReceiveFrom(System::Details::StackArray<uint8_t, N>&, int32_t, SocketFlags, System::SharedPtr<EndPoint>&)Receives data from the specified endpoint and writes it to the specified byte array.
int32_t ReceiveFrom(System::ArrayPtr<uint8_t>, SocketFlags, System::SharedPtr<EndPoint>&)Receives data from the specified endpoint and writes it to the specified byte array.
int32_t ReceiveFrom(System::Details::ArrayView<uint8_t>, SocketFlags, System::SharedPtr<EndPoint>&)Receives data from the specified endpoint and writes it to the specified byte array.
int32_t ReceiveFrom(System::ArrayPtr<uint8_t>, SocketFlags, System::SharedPtr<EndPoint>&)Receives data from the specified endpoint and writes it to the specified byte array.
int32_t ReceiveFrom(System::ArrayPtr<uint8_t>, System::SharedPtr<EndPoint>&)Receives data from the specified endpoint and writes it to the specified byte array.
int32_t ReceiveFrom(System::Details::ArrayView<uint8_t>, System::SharedPtr<EndPoint>&)Receives data from the specified endpoint and writes it to the specified byte array.
int32_t ReceiveFrom(System::Details::StackArray<uint8_t, N>&, System::SharedPtr<EndPoint>&)Receives data from the specified endpoint and writes it to the specified byte array.
int32_t ReceiveMessageFrom(System::ArrayPtr<uint8_t>, int32_t, int32_t, SocketFlags&, System::SharedPtr<EndPoint>&, IPPacketInformation&)Receives data from the specified endpoint and writes it to the specified byte array.
int32_t ReceiveMessageFrom(System::Details::ArrayView<uint8_t>, int32_t, int32_t, SocketFlags&, System::SharedPtr<EndPoint>&, IPPacketInformation&)Receives data from the specified endpoint and writes it to the specified byte array.
int32_t ReceiveMessageFrom(System::Details::StackArray<uint8_t, N>&, int32_t, int32_t, SocketFlags&, System::SharedPtr<EndPoint>&, IPPacketInformation&)Receives data from the specified endpoint and writes it to the specified byte array.
static bool ReferenceEquals(ptr const&, ptr const&)Compares objects by reference.
static std::enable_if<!IsSmartPtr<T>::value, bool>::type ReferenceEquals(T const&, T const&)Compares objects by reference.
static std::enable_if<!IsSmartPtr<T>::value, bool>::type ReferenceEquals(T const&, std::nullptr_t)Reference-compares value type object with nullptr.
bool ReferenceEquals(String const&, std::nullptr_t)Specialization of Object::ReferenceEquals for case of string and nullptr.
bool ReferenceEquals(String const&, String const&)Specialization of Object::ReferenceEquals for case of strings.
int RemovedSharedRefs(int)Decreases shared reference count by specified value.
int32_t Send(System::ArrayPtr<uint8_t>, int32_t, SocketFlags)Sends the specified data to the socket.
int32_t Send(System::Details::ArrayView<uint8_t>, int32_t, SocketFlags)Sends the specified data to the socket.
int32_t Send(System::Details::StackArray<uint8_t, N>&, int32_t, SocketFlags)Sends the specified data to the socket.
int32_t Send(System::ArrayPtr<uint8_t>, SocketFlags)Sends the specified data to the socket.
int32_t Send(System::Details::ArrayView<uint8_t>, SocketFlags)Sends the specified data to the socket.
int32_t Send(System::Details::StackArray<uint8_t, N>&, SocketFlags)Sends the specified data to the socket.
int32_t Send(System::ArrayPtr<uint8_t>)Sends the specified data to the socket.
int32_t Send(System::Details::ArrayView<uint8_t>)Sends the specified data to the socket.
int32_t Send(System::Details::StackArray<uint8_t, N>&)Sends the specified data to the socket.
int32_t Send(System::SharedPtr<Collections::Generic::IList<ArraySegment<uint8_t>>>)Sends the specified data to the socket.
int32_t Send(System::SharedPtr<Collections::Generic::IList<ArraySegment<uint8_t>>>, SocketFlags)Sends the specified data to the socket.
int32_t Send(System::SharedPtr<Collections::Generic::IList<ArraySegment<uint8_t>>>, SocketFlags, SocketError&)Sends the specified data to the socket.
int32_t Send(System::ArrayPtr<uint8_t>, int32_t, int32_t, SocketFlags)Sends the specified data to the socket.
int32_t Send(System::Details::ArrayView<uint8_t>, int32_t, int32_t, SocketFlags)Sends the specified data to the socket.
int32_t Send(System::Details::StackArray<uint8_t, N>&, int32_t, int32_t, SocketFlags)Sends the specified data to the socket.
int32_t Send(System::ArrayPtr<uint8_t>, int32_t, int32_t, SocketFlags, SocketError&)Sends the specified data to the socket.
int32_t Send(System::Details::ArrayView<uint8_t>, int32_t, int32_t, SocketFlags, SocketError&)Sends the specified data to the socket.
int32_t Send(System::Details::StackArray<uint8_t, N>&, int32_t, int32_t, SocketFlags, SocketError&)Sends the specified data to the socket.
int32_t SendTo(System::ArrayPtr<uint8_t>, int32_t, int32_t, SocketFlags, System::SharedPtr<EndPoint>)Sends the specified data to the specified endpoint.
int32_t SendTo(System::Details::ArrayView<uint8_t>, int32_t, int32_t, SocketFlags, System::SharedPtr<EndPoint>)Sends the specified data to the specified endpoint.
int32_t SendTo(System::Details::StackArray<uint8_t, N>&, int32_t, int32_t, SocketFlags, System::SharedPtr<EndPoint>)Sends the specified data to the specified endpoint.
int32_t SendTo(System::ArrayPtr<uint8_t>, int32_t, SocketFlags, System::SharedPtr<EndPoint>)Sends the specified data to the specified endpoint.
int32_t SendTo(System::Details::ArrayView<uint8_t>, int32_t, SocketFlags, System::SharedPtr<EndPoint>)Sends the specified data to the specified endpoint.
int32_t SendTo(System::Details::StackArray<uint8_t, N>&, int32_t, SocketFlags, System::SharedPtr<EndPoint>)Sends the specified data to the specified endpoint.
int32_t SendTo(System::ArrayPtr<uint8_t>, SocketFlags, System::SharedPtr<EndPoint>)Sends the specified data to the specified endpoint.
int32_t SendTo(System::Details::ArrayView<uint8_t>, SocketFlags, System::SharedPtr<EndPoint>)Sends the specified data to the specified endpoint.
int32_t SendTo(System::Details::StackArray<uint8_t, N>&, SocketFlags, System::SharedPtr<EndPoint>)Sends the specified data to the specified endpoint.
int32_t SendTo(System::ArrayPtr<uint8_t>, System::SharedPtr<EndPoint>)Sends the specified data to the specified endpoint.
int32_t SendTo(System::Details::ArrayView<uint8_t>, System::SharedPtr<EndPoint>)Sends the specified data to the specified endpoint.
int32_t SendTo(System::Details::StackArray<uint8_t, N>&, System::SharedPtr<EndPoint>)Sends the specified data to the specified endpoint.
void set_Blocking(bool)Sets a value that indicates if the socket is in the blocking mode.
void set_ConnectionTimeout(int32_t)Sets the connection timeout.
void set_DontFragment(bool)Sets a value that indicates if the socket allows IP datagrams to be fragmented.
void set_DualMode(bool)Sets a value indicates if the socket is in the dual-mode.
void set_EnableBroadcast(bool)Sets a value that indicates if the socket allows broadcast packets.
void set_ExclusiveAddressUse(bool)Sets a value that indicates if only one process can bind the socket to a port.
void set_LingerState(System::SharedPtr<LingerOption>)Sets a value that indicates if the socket will delay closing in an attempt to send all pending data.
void set_MulticastLoopback(bool)Sets a value that indicates if the socket receives outgoing multicast packets.
void set_NoDelay(bool)Sets a value that indicates if the socket is using the Nagle algorithm.
void set_ReceiveBufferSize(int32_t)Sets the receive buffer size.
void set_ReceiveTimeout(int32_t)Sets a period after which a ‘Receive’ call will time out.
void set_SendBufferSize(int32_t)Sets the send buffer size.
void set_SendTimeout(int32_t)Sets a period after which a ‘Send’ call will time out.
void set_Ttl(int16_t)Sets the TTL value.
void SetSocketOption(SocketOptionLevel, SocketOptionName, int32_t)Sets the specified socket option to the specified value.
void SetSocketOption(SocketOptionLevel, SocketOptionName, System::ArrayPtr<uint8_t>)Sets the specified socket option to the specified value.
void SetSocketOption(SocketOptionLevel, SocketOptionName, bool)Sets the specified socket option to the specified value.
void SetSocketOption(SocketOptionLevel, SocketOptionName, System::SharedPtr<Object>)Sets the specified socket option to the specified value.
virtual void SetTemplateWeakPtr(uint32_t)Set n’th template argument a weak pointer (rather than shared). Allows switching pointers in containers to weak mode.
int SharedCount() constGets current value of shared reference counter.
Object * SharedRefAdded()Increments shared reference count. Shouldn’t be called directly; instead, use smart pointers or ThisProtector.
int SharedRefRemovedSafe()Decrements and returns shared reference count. Shouldn’t be called directly; instead, use smart pointers or ThisProtector.
void Shutdown(SocketShutdown)Disables the send and receive operations of the socket.
Socket(System::Net::Sockets::SocketType, System::Net::Sockets::ProtocolType)Constructs a new instance.
Socket(System::Net::Sockets::AddressFamily, System::Net::Sockets::SocketType, System::Net::Sockets::ProtocolType)Constructs a new instance.
virtual String ToString() constAnalog of C# Object.ToString() method. Enables converting custom objects to string.
static const TypeInfo& Type()Implements C# typeof(System.Object) construct.
void Unlock()Implements C# lock() statement unlocking. Call directly or use LockContext sentry object.
Detail::SmartPtrCounter * WeakRefAdded()Increments weak reference count. Shouldn’t be called directly; instead, use smart pointers or ThisProtector.
void WeakRefRemoved()Decrements weak reference count. Shouldn’t be called directly; instead, use smart pointers or ThisProtector.
virtual ~Object()Destroys object. Frees all internal data structures.
virtual ~Socket()Destructs the current instance.


ImplPtrThe socket implementation.

See Also